Stacy Blackman Admission Consultant Reviews
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Reviews from company website
Before the 8th of May, I must make one of the most difficult, fortunate decisions of my life. I must choose whether to attend Stanford, Harvard, or Wharton. I am able to make this enviable decision because of the amazing consulting services that I received. Within our first face to face meeting, I explained to my consultant that I must attend business school to make a successful transition out of the US Armed Forces. Over the next six months, his actions proved that his goals became mine. I also told him that if he could help improve my chances by just five percent, I would be happy. I am thoroughly convinced that he increased my chances much more than that. My consultant’s guidance and ability to see the best in me helped me realize my lifelong dreams.
“I just got a call from the Director of Admissions at Stanford himself!! He had read my application and went through all the things that impressed him about me and said he’s so excited to have me. It was so nice to get a personal call like that! I am so psyched holy moly.
THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH for all of your help throughout this process! I don’t know that I could have done it without you!”
“I just received what is the very definition of an embarrassment of riches. Yale accepted me and is giving me full tuition for both years. I’m so overwhelmed. I didn’t even know they did things like that for professional degrees much less that I was that kind of candidate. Thank you so so, so much for everything you did to make this happen! We are going to need a pow wow to work through the best way to approach all this. My mind is about to explode. I’m already so conflicted, and I still have more to go!”
“I just want to say thank you again for taking the time to talk me through my decision making process.It was a difficult decision, but UCLA won out at the end. The UCLA rep came back to me and offered to match my funding with Michigan. They said they really wanted me in their class and backed it up with some funding. Thanks so much for everything. I know I would not be in this position without your help. You really made me more confidant in the whole process and I hope to one day repay the incredibly positive impact that you have had on my life. Thank you!”
“I just wanted to send a sincere thank you for the opportunity to work with your company this past year. This was an incredible experience that meant all the difference in my applications. My consultant walked me through the process, answered all questions, and helped me understand how to highlight my skills. As a result, I was admitted into the two schools that he helped me with and offered substantial financial aid packages at both schools. Additionally, I was granted admission into the Consortium and have used my essays as a basis for many scholarship opportunities.Thank you for the opportunity to achieve my goals. Your belief in my potential has helped me realize my goal of being admitted into my target MBA program. I will be attending UCLA Anderson this Fall.Thank you for everything! Please let me know if there is anything I could do to help spread the word about the wonderful services that your company offers.”
“SBC, simply put, is amazing! I had applied to business school previously and had been rejected across the board. Needless to say, I was filled with anxiety and doubt about reapplying. I had a million questions and concerns, and my consultant was always extremely responsive and honest. From the very start, she helped erase my doubt, reassuring me step by step with her combination of in depth knowledge specific to each program and dedicated interest in helping me succeed. From recommendations to essays, she provided the assistance to strengthen all aspects of my applications. She reinforced my goals and helped me focus on telling my story in a way that jumped off the page. When it came time to hit send again I felt confident that I had submitted my best possible applications.”
“Last week I got the good news that I have been admitted to my desired b-school, Stanford. About 4 months back from now I was very concerned about completing admission requirements of the school including GMAT, essays, references, customized resume etc. Then I found Stacy Blackman Consulting. I admit that my case was quite difficult. I was about 7-8 years older than the average age of the part-time MBA students in my desired school, plus I had no business degree or experience. Your initial assessment of my case provided me invaluable advice that gave me a clear direction on how to work toward completing the requirements. My consultant reviewed my essays and resume several times and at the end the product was very impressive. My essays clearly defined my goal and the reason for pursuing an MBA. My resume clearly described my achievements. My essays and resume together made perfect sense of what I have done so far, my vision for future and how MBA will help me to achieve my goal. My consultant’s great experience and insight were great help all the way. I am very grateful to SBC.”
“Last fall, I worked with SBC for my application to NYU’s unique MBA/MFA dual-degree program, through Stern and Tisch, for film producers. I’d like to take this opportunity to provide long- overdue feedback about our work together. Working with my consultant bolstered my confidence and provided a larger sense of context regarding the applicant pool, giving me a sense of where I stood and how my background compared to other applicants. We maintained a productive rapport that also felt very casual, as he in-formalized the application process and helped me craft my personal narrative and made sure that my applications and essays reflected that narrative. Thanks to SBC’s help, I was the first person admitted to the dual-degree program’s class of 2015 and, based on the strength of my application, was awarded a scholarship. I have no doubt that without my consultant’s dedication, hard work, and easygoing spirit, the entire application process would have been far more difficult and burdensome.”
“I would love to mention how pleased I was with Stacy Blackman Consulting services.
Let me think through the points:
– rocket-fast essay edits, holidays did not interrupt the service
– helping me to build my entrepreneurial brand
– my consultant took time to learn about my personality and helped me to pick “perfect fit” schools for me, and talked me out of applying to schools which are not a good fit
– helping me to build my confidence and encouraged to apply to Big 4, while I was thinking to apply only to one of them
– my consultant was a true mentor to me, who not only provided excellent service, but also cultivated a true leader in me and changed my thought process to that of a leader.
I have some feedback for Stacy as well :
I am very pleased with services and every dollar was worth spending!”
“Thank you very much for editing the essays and for sending them earlier than promised. I know the first essay had lot of grammatical mistakes and it was very diffused and the second essay was unclear, but you did a fabulous job. The first essay – you made it sacred for me. You have provided immense help and I have no words to thank you for this. One complaint that I always had was I could not find help when I needed it. You have shut the doors for such complaints in the future.”
“After a few weeks on HBS’ waitlist, I’m extremely thrilled to say that I was accepted last week and will be attending Harvard in the fall. Overall a very successful application season and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all of you on the Stacy Blackman Consulting team for all of your help! In the end, I was accepted at HBS and Wharton; and received a J-Term offer at Columbia. A remarkable outcome given that we started the application process on Dec.6th without a GMAT, recs, or even essay ideas.”
“The application process was a very expensive one for me with the prep courses, GMAT materials, tutors, etc., but the best decision I ever made was deciding to work with Stacy Blackman Consulting. In a process that requires you to uncover your personal weaknesses, goals, strengths, and dreams, My consultant was incredibly easy to talk to and knew exactly what to do with the information that I was telling her, which was incredibly important because I had no idea what to do with it. There were bumps in the road, and weaknesses that we had to address, but my consultant helped me to develop a strategy that made my strengths as strong as possible. With her help, I was accepted to the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, my first choice school. In our last meeting, we talked about this being a “life-changing opportunity”, and I’m certain that it’s one that I never would have had without SBC’s help.”
“Navigating the MBA application process can be very intimidating, and SBC provided exactly what I needed to get through it. Helping to craft my application strategy, to answering my numerous questions, my consultant was always extremely proactive and brimming with great ideas. I would not have been able to produce an application of such high quality without her guidance, and I am certain my admission prospects have increased immensely with her assistance. I owe you a big THANK YOU for all your help getting me here. You’re the best at what you do!”
When other firms were informing me that my top choice of NYU Stern would be a hard reach school and I should consider looking “lower in the rankings” for safety, SBC was encouraging me to consider additional top ranked schools, including Booth and Kellogg. Ultimately, I was accepted at all of the schools I applied: Booth, Kellogg, NYU Stern, and Georgetown. I have chosen to attend Booth, a school which prior to working with SBC was only a dream school that I thought would never be more than a dream. I know unequivocally that without the many hours working with SBC, I never would have had the confidence to apply to such elite schools like Booth and Kellogg; moreover, I know unquestionably that my story and message to the schools would not have been as thorough and effective without SBC, and more importantly my consultant. As someone who initially spent a great deal of time contemplating the benefits of investing in an admissions consultant, I am now completely satisfied with that investment; additionally, I believe that without SBC I absolutely would have sold myself short; moreover, I would likely not be attending Booth this fall.
“I lucked out when I was matched with my consultant.
Over the many months we worked together, she was honest, encouraging, and methodical in the way she supported me through the MBA admissions process. She made a commitment to review any admissions content I sent to her within 24 hours; she stayed true to that, and most of the time provided feedback to me within a few hours. When I hit writer’s block, she coached me through it. When I needed motivating pep talks, she was right there with me on the phone. When my work schedule jammed up, she was always willing to meet with me, no matter how late or early it was.
My SBC constant was also critical to the high quality of my letters of recommendation. She interacted with my recommenders independently, preserving the confidentiality honor code and providing them feedback from a third party’s point of view. As someone who could read all of my recommendations and essays–who also didn’t know me prior to being matched with me–she had a holistic and impartial point of view. I believe that is a huge benefit of having a consultant. No coworker, friend, or family member could have offered the same expert, unbiased, and evaluative opinions that Stacy Blackman Consulting offered to me.
My consultant’s experience working within admissions committees, studying as an alumna of a top MBA program, and being a meticulous written and verbal communicator made her an extremely important part of my admissions process. I highly recommend anyone who gets the opportunity to partner with her to accept before someone else takes her!”
“GOT INTO BOOTH!! Just got the call. They **LOVED** my PowerPoint. The admissions woman was gushing. That made me feel special. Thank you for everything!! Now if I could only pack you in my suitcase and take you with me to b-school!”
“I have been accepted to the Harvard Business School Class of 2015!!!! I am filled with so much joy, honor and humility at receiving one of these coveted spots and most of all appreciation especially of all the support and guidance you have provided during this process. All our hard work from our kick off call, to developing the essays and to interview prep culminated to this wonderful moment and I couldn’t be more grateful. My holidays are definitely starting out very merry and bright! A great way to start the process of receiving decisions and a great confidence boost as I head into my Columbia interview! I hope to have more great news to write in the days ahead”.
It is the first time this ever happened to me, I froze for 30 minutes before I started writing this email as I was trying to put my words together to describe the amount of support and help you provided me during the application process. Your impeccable support and genuine talent in helping others was clear and helped me pass through the application process that I failed twice before I sought your help. From our first phone call to our last, you made me feel comfortable. Not only were you my consultant, but you were my editor, therapist and almost like family! Even with all my years in management and many interactions with consultants, you are the only one that I found to be selfless and truly put your client’s needs above your own, as demonstrated by the countless number of times when I reached out to at all hours of the day and night and you got back to me quickly. Regardless whether my questions were within the application process or outside it, you always made answering me a top priority. As much as I am happy with my acceptance letter from McCombs School of Business, I am sad that I will not have the opportunity to work with you again. You are a dedicated individual and I am honored to know you as a life long friend.
Thank you very much for all your help and support. I know I would never have been admitted without your expert guidance.
“Just wanted to let you know I received a call from Kellogg today and I’ve been admitted to the evening program starting this Fall! My first choice – I’m thrilled! Thank you so much for your help throughout the process. It was a truly valuable and personally enriching experience. Thanks for caring so much and becoming vested in my success. It really means a lot. Woohoo!”
“I GOT INTO STANFORD! I also got into Haas,and Wharton! As you know, Stanford was my first choice, and that’s where I’m going! You really helped me a bunch on the essays.You helped me articulate my messages clearly and be focused in the points I wanted the adcomm to come away with. It was really good content, clearly, and I appreciate it so much. Thank you again for all of your help. This was super important for me. Thanks for playing a crucial part in my success.”
“Just wanted to let you know that I have started my MBA at Oxford and loving every bit of it. It was an amazing experience to be associated with you, I got to learn so much from our interactions. It would not have been possible for me to reach this place without your guidance.I feel that thank you is too small a word to be used in this context.”
“I attribute my recent acceptance to UCLA Anderson to SBC’s exceptional guidance,feedback and coaching throughout the entire application process. My consultant set the stage for a great application when she helped me brainstorm my post MBA goals, how I could tie these goals in with my life experiences, and why getting an MBA is the way to accomplish them. Her personalized coaching style allowed me to communicate my true personality and genuine aspirations. This was the key to having my applications stand out, and I wouldn’t have been able to so eloquently communicate it without her open-minded and empathetic approach. Her essay editing services were also of great assistance. The final essays were still in “my voice”, but she helped my writing be as succinct and professional as possible.She then performed an entire overhaul of my resume, and it has never looked better. She took the time to understand exactly what I do for a living, and found the best ways of showcasing the impact I’ve had at my jobs. Finally, when it came time to prepare for my interview with UCLA, we went through almost 50 different questions that could have been asked in just an hour.The mock interview was very information intensive, and was 100% worth it – every question that was asked during my real interview was practiced in my mock interview. I would highly recommend SBC to anyone looking for an admissions consultant because they take the time to get to know her clients, and tailor their applications to their unique situations.Thank you for helping me get into a top MBA program.”
“I’d like to take a second to comment on my overwhelmingly positive experience working with SBC. We’d talked about how wary I was about continuing to work with an admissions consultant after getting what I’d seen as pretty boilerplate advice from someone at a competing firm, and I’m so glad that I went forward with it.
I’ll say it like this: I felt like working with my consultant was like getting to talk to a an actual doctor after you’ve inundated yourself with online resources thinking you’re up to speed. You realize why you’re working with a professional who’s been doing this for a while and that this is an actual craft that takes time to hone. First, she’s got this great depth of knowledge and intuitive sense about what works and what doesn’t in an interview setting, and she provided insight that completely blindsided me, things like actually tailoring a resume to business school as opposed to work. She brought her experience working with other applicants and the related gravitas to bear, helping to ease my anxieties about the whole process—no exaggeration, that alone may have been worth the fee, to be honest. And finally, and this is the most important advantage I think she had over other people I’d consulted with, she’s warm and friendly and really worked well with my style of wanting to take in as much information as possible. I was never stressed for time, I was never sold, I felt I was being ushered through my application.
In short, she is a true wizard at this work while improbably also being very down to earth, easy to get along with, and realistic about what’s possible. I couldn’t have imagined a better partner for this process; she not only produced great results but also was just great to talk to about everything. Let this be my enthusiastic recommendation on her behalf.”
“I literally just received my acceptance letter from NYU to their EMBA program and you are the first person that I am telling.Thank you so much for your guidance throughout this process. You were instrumental in creating the cohesive story for my application. Everything from essays and letters of recommendation to highlighting strengths and negating weaknesses was spot on. You took what seemed to be a daunting process and helped make it manageable. Working with you was truly a pleasure.”
“I have been accepted by the London Business School and I had my interview with INSEAD last week! I wouldn’t have achieved this without the amazing work you did on my essays.”
“My consultant came with the highest praise from a friend and I cannot echo that sentiment more. I was accepted to Booth and Kellogg and I couldn’t have done it without her dedicated guidance and unwavering support. She made every effort to get to know me as a person to put together a distinctive application. She will be extremely honest with your candidacy strengths and weaknesses (which is exactly what you need!), but more importantly, she commits to working with you to find solutions and positively frame your message. Her insights from AdComm’s perspective and willingness to reach out to the SBC network for additional resources were the finishing polish that took my essays to a new level.
I can honestly say that no matter the outcome, I wouldn’t have had a single regret this application cycle because I know SBC helped me put together the best application I know I’m capable of. A million thanks to the SBC team – I’m ecstatic to start at Booth in the fall!”
Working without professional guidance, I went 0/5 on my round 1 applications. I was clearly doing something wrong and needed help. I was extremely fortunate to have found SBC. My consultant helped me to understand why certain anecdotes or stories would be ineffective–or worse, potentially poisonous–to my application. And yet, he was capable of delivering critiques in a good-natured, positive way. In the end, I gained admission to Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, and NYU. After my shutout from round 1, I’m not just relieved, I’m thrilled!
“I’m elated to share that I’ve been accepted into the Booth Executive MBA Program 2013!!! When all was said and done, I scheduled a trip to San Francisco to check out Berkeley and relish in the process that had just unfolded. It was a gift to receive my acceptance email on Wednesday just before I headed to the airport. I’m proud, nervous, and excited to begin the program. I know that I’ve just changed the course of my life by taking this leap, and I can’t wait for the upcoming journey.Thank you for everything! I will send anyone looking for a top admissions consultant your way, and I hope our paths may cross again in the future.”
“I just wanted to let you know that I got into UCLA!! Thank you!!! I also just got some great news from the dean of admissions – a $60,000 fellowship! He called and let me know and then I just got an email confirmation/details. That really helps!”
“Thank you so much for your prompt response and valuable edits! All of your inputs and comments are exactly what I was looking for to point me in the right direction. Now is the time to polish it further from my side.I will be applying to 3 schools during November and December (Wharton, MIT, Cornell) and will seek editing service from your team during the process.Thanks again and all the best.”
“No more applications, essays, or interviews!! ! Working with SBC felt much more natural, and I think that my essays this year came out more clear and concise than they did last year (with another firm). The support, constructive criticism, and advice that I received from this cycle was way more personal and geared directly towards me, my life, and my story.”
“Got through Columbia!!!
That was quick :) Really happy that everything we strategised worked. Couldn’t have done it without your help.Thanks a lot! Other good news, received an admit from LBS as well.Thanks for all the help with the application.”
“SBC helped me to highlight my strengths during the application process and played an integral role in determining what my overall themes should be. My consultant was quick to respond and gave great feedback and suggestions. I ended up with an offer for both Wharton and Kellogg, which I’m sure would not have been the case without SBC’s direction.”
“I just wanted to thank you for your help throughout the admissions journey and I’m happy to share with you that I just got accepted in the EMBA program at Oxford :) I’m happy about this great news.I also wanted to say that the help with my essay really polished it and compressed what I wanted to say.
Thanks for your help!”
“I’ve been accepted into Georgetown with a pretty substantial scholarship. Thanks again for guiding me through this process.”
“Just wanted to let you know the great news!! I’ve gotten into HBS!! =) I’m so excited for HBS, Again, I couldn’t have done this without you thank you so much!!! Time to celebrate.”
“I wanted to share some good news with you. I received a R1 admit from Haas this week! I wanted to thank you again for your tremendous help in the application process. Your attention to detail and level of involvement far far exceeded my expectations. It was fantastic to work with you and I’m lucky to have had your help. This would have been a lot tougher without your expert advice and support.”
“I wanted to let you know that I was accepted to Stanford! I was wait listed at Harvard which I was slightly disappointed about, but I kind of expected that given my interview experience. And, most importantly, Stanford has always been my first choice and I feel so lucky and excited to attend my top school!!
Thank you for your support and advice during this process!”
“Wanted to let you know I got accepted by HBS today!!! I am so shocked and beyond excited!!! Thank you so much for your help along the way – I couldn’t have done it without you!”
“I just wanted to let you know that I got into UCLA!! I’m really happy. I also just got some great news from the dean of admissions – a $60,000 fellowship! Thank you!!!”.
“Accepted to Kellogg!! I really appreciate all your help through the process. Going with you was one of the best decisions I ever made. You knew your stuff, were always responsive and timely with your turns, and really pushed me from beginning to end (e.g., re-taking the GMAT, interview prep, etc.). Thx! Guaranteed it was the interview prep!”.
“With your help and guidance, I just received notice that I got into IU!!!! So excited! Thank you so much!!!! Looking forward to hearing from the other programs. Also got into MSU – 2 for 2 so far!”.
“Having a sub-par GPA I was on the fence about whether or not I would have a shot at getting into a strong program. After having my first call with SBC, my uncertainties were cleared up. I decided to work with Stacy Blackman Consulting because of my consultant’s direct approach, honesty, and ability to help me stand out. I could not have gotten through this application process without the guidance and direction from SBC. My consultant was always a phone call or email away and responded to all of my questions immediately. I was accepted to 3/3 schools!”
“My SBC consultant was the key resource that made my application experience successful and manageable. I was admitted to 3 of the 6 programs (and waitlisted at 1) that I applied to, including my top 2 choices—Kellogg and Ross. His thoughtful insight brought focus and structure to my essays and helped me to identify qualities that I had overlooked, resulting in well-rounded, advantageously positioned applications. He was tremendously helpful and I enthusiastically recommend working with him.”
“This is to express my gratitude to your consultancy firm and also my consultant. I got selected for the MBA program at Oxford Said Business School. 6 Months back , when I started with my admission process, I did not have a very good GPA and I had a very common profile of an IT Indian Male. I was really worried as to how I will make my application stand different from others in order to get into top MBA programs. My first call with my consultant gave me that confidence and made me comfortable that I could create a strong application. Through her intelligent and well prepared questions she identified areas of my background that I thought were not important. The major difference she made was in my thinking and strategy that I have to stress on impact and not just accomplishments. Starting with the review of my resume, to in depth multiple reviews of my application essays, she did a great job and she always provided her honest comments that helped me form a strong application. She was always available when I needed her to meet my deadlines. She often worked on weekends as well so that I could submit the application on time. Throughout the application process she has been very supportive and encouraging. Her mockup interview also prepared me well and gave me the right confidence that helped me perform well during my MBA interview. My consultant has made an invaluable contribution to my MBA admission process and I would recommend her to anyone who wishes to get into a top MBA program.”
“Going through the application process prior to SBC was a nightmare, I had a low GMAT score, unorganized thoughts and no clue on how to structure my essays or applications. From day one upon scheduling my consultation we talked about what I was looking for and how SBC could help me achieve my goals. I had an amazing consultant who helped me shape my essays, guide me through the whole process and focus on my key strengths…you’d be amazed with what you come up with at the end! I want to thank SBC for really helping me through all this, especially my consultant Andy who worked really hard with me to get everything done on time and come up with a great application!
I got accepted into my 2 top choices Columbia & USC!”
“I just wanted to share some more good news with you: I got the good fortune of also getting accepted by both Duke and Darden this past week. It has been icing on the cake to know that my hard work paid off with them as well. I’ve enrolled in Michigan though and I’m beyond confident that I’ve made the right choice. I definitely need to thank you for your hard work for me and my goals
and your amazing advice. I know you must hear this all a lot, but working with you made me see a lot more clear my own goals, strengths,
and weaknesses, and what I was really looking for in an MBA. I am especially appreciative of your honest feedback and persistence in
helping me learn to translate my military experiences in an understandable way (I’ll never forget all those Ross drafts for essay
3!). I really think all that all made the difference in my application and was the determining factor in me being accepted. So I couldn’t be happier right now, thanks again. It was a real pleasure working with you.
“I just wanted to let you know that I was admitted to Wharton. Needless to say, I’m elated!
I was confident that I had the background and qualifications to be a competitive candidate, but that background is only as good as being able to exhibit it in the appropriate way — and it was through your guidance and expertise that I was able to tell my story and highlight my strong suits in the proper light. Without you two, my qualifications might have been for naught if they weren’t conveyed in a way that resonated with the Admissions Committee.
Simply put — and I hope you already know this — I couldn’t have done this without you. As I told you in prior emails, I was able to sleep easy at night knowing that I was able to put my best foot forward because I had you as my navigator. Working with you alleviated the prospect of ever having to wonder “did I take the right approach with my application” or “what if I did something differently.”
Thanks again for everything you did to ensure I submitted a stellar application.”
“My SBC consultant was an invaluable asset throughout the admissions process and my journey in selecting an MBA program that fit my needs. As a candidate with a military background and zero experience writing a resume, my consultant skillfully assisted in translating my military experience and jargon into a professional resume. During an interview with one of my targeted schools, the Admissions Director commented that my resume was one of the best she had ever seen from a military candidate as it effectively translated my skill sets and experience into proper business language and format. Further, my consultant helped craft my unique story by reviewing my transcripts, work history and Stacy Blackman Flight Plan. Her essay editing is unparalleled and was a tremendous help in perfecting my essays before presenting them to an admissions team. Finally, Lisa’s insight during my decision process was the key to choosing the right school for me. I’m proud to say that I was accepted to several of my target schools (with scholarship), however, I couldn’t have done it without Lisa and Stacy Blackman Consulting!”
“I’m in at Wharton! I honestly can’t believe that this actually happened — Right now I almost don’t know what think, but it will sink in over the next few days. I wanted to reiterate how much you impacted my successful application. Your support, from detailed editing to helping me find my story, was critical to getting into Wharton.”
“Words are not enough…to express this feeling and to thank you for the hours spent together to achieve this dream, for helping me look my best in those essays, for your wise advice and for being part of one of the most special moments in my. . . a huge milestone to build on for the rest of my life. As you probably imagine, yes I was accepted at Fuqua! Thank you!”
Not sure if I am dreaming or if this is real, but I got a call from Derrick Bolton late last night and apparently I was admitted to Stanford. Got the emails today and status update confirming everything. I wanted to thank you deeply for your support which was unbelievable. I CANT BELIEVE! Your knowledge on the application process was crucial for the admittance. I don´t need to say how happy I am, this is AWESOME!
“Darden – Accepted! Just wanted to pass along my great news and a huge thank you for all of your help. I couldn’t have done this without you.Thanks for everything”.
“I just want to say thank you. You have been great through this whole process and I have not once regretted the cost of SBC. My brother is thinking about applying to business school in a few years and my family has already decided SBC is totally worth it!”
“I just wanted to thank you for your advice regarding my Kellogg interview. I got the questions we talked about and regardless the outcome I performed better as a result of our chat on Sunday.”
“I want to take the time to thank my consultant for her hard work. Though I was very late in the MBA application process and was in a rush to submit my applications to meet the deadlines she worked late nights and through weekends to provide helpful feedback on my essays and applications in a timely manner so that I could submit my application on time. She never failed to provide feedback and was always available by email or phone throughout the night, sometimes even into midnight. I especially liked her attention to detail when providing feedback regarding my essays. She seemed to pay special attention to every word to ensure that the application was of the highest quality. I would highly recommend SBC to other potential MBA candidates without qualification.”
“I just got a call from USC and I was accepted! I had already decided to go to UCLA, but I was waiting until I heard back from USC to send in my deposit/acceptance – which I just sent in! I also received the acceptance package from UCLA yesterday with a really nice note specifically referencing my essays. I’m really excited to go. Thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciate all the guidance, motivation, and support. I’m very happy with my decision to apply and I’m looking forward to going to Anderson.”
“SBC has been an excellent resource during this stressful and trying time. My consultant has been able to meet deadlines effectively through hard work and long hours. She provided me with excellent advice for all aspects of my application, including but not limited to: essays, references, short answers, general application essays, resume building, and interviewing advice. One area that she went above and beyond was resume building. She was able to put a decade worth of resume information into one concise, impressive resume. Another area that she did exceptional work in was interview prep. The most appreciated aspect of our relationship was her friendly attitude combined with calming reassurance. I was able to get in contact with my consultant easily and this helped me gain a solid sense of trust. I would recommend SBC to anyone interested applying to top business schools worldwide.”
“I was accepted to Wharton today! Thank you for all your help throughout.”
“I wanted to convey my gratitude and Thanks to you and your Organization, who has supported me immensely throughout my EMBA application process. I applied to NYU Stern and Cornell in Oct’12, and got accepted at both the schools. Needless to say, this would not have been possible without SBCs help and guidance. My consultant went out of his way to re-look and perfect my essays. He was just awesome and always willing to help me out. He is a great Coach.”
“This email is to let you know I have been accepted at INSEAD, with the help from SBC. I am delighted this has worked out well, and my consultant has definitely been of tremendous help in the process. I could not have done it without her.”
“SBC was instrumental in helping me gain admittance to Wharton and Booth. As a re-applicant, I knew I had to make an especially strong impression. My consultant helped me do so with his well thought out feedback, attention to detail and poignant insight. I truly do not believe I could have put together as vibrant of an applicant without SBC’s help.Thanks for everything!”
“Thank you very much. All the comments are extremely helpful. This is particularly interesting how more focused and clear the messages I wanted to deliver became after some edits. Thanks once again for the help, it is really inspiring.”
“I cannot thank SBC enough for the guidance and direction that was provided during the MBA admissions process. First I was coming from a military background that I wasn’t sure how to translate into something that an admissions committee would find attractive. Furthermore, I was applying in round 3 to only one school and had little margin for error in putting together my admissions packet. My consultant was always there with any questions that I had and always got back to me quickly. Her help with the essays and resume were instrumental. I was accepted and received a $40K scholarship! This definitely would not have been possible without the help of SBC and I could not recommend them highly enough to anyone looking for an admissions consultant. Thanks!”
“I got through WHARTON!!!!
I think of all the people, your guidance in the interview was most helpful…. Truly, I couldn’t have done this without your guidance and more importantly, your support)
A big thank you!!”
I still can’t believe that I was accepted to HBS straight out of undergrad and I am absolutely certain I could NEVER have done it without your insight and guidance. Your feedback really forced me to make my essays far more insightful, even though I often had to rewrite a lot after receiving comments. I knew getting in to HBS straight out of undergrad would be very difficult. I was realistic about the strong possibility I would not get in. Even if I had been rejected, I would have used your services again as a re-applicant – that’s how much I felt your guidance strengthened my application.
“I have been admitted by Ross and Fuqua. They both offered me a scholarship (Duke offered me a higher scholarship by $4000). I feel very lucky that I have a choice, although it is a very hard one, as they are two great schools. I am sure that whichever I choose I will be very happy. Thanks again for everything .Your assistance has been so precious!”
” I was accepted at Wharton! Based on my experience with the schools throughout the interview process, I am very happy with the end result. Thanks so much for your help.”
When I started this process, I was very unsure about my candidacy and thought my profile might be “too average”. From the time I started conversations with SBC, I felt more confident. My consultant was awesome. She is super organized, helped me pick out the right schools and drew me a timeline. She helped me draft answers to the essay questions and brought stability to my convoluted thought process. Even when we disagreed, there was always a sense of calm and rationality that kept us moving forward. She kept me focused and honest throughout. I applied to 4 schools, interviewed at 3, got into 2 – Wharton and Haas.
“I was so unpleased with my experience (with another firm) that I decided to turn to Stacy Blackman for some help during my interviews with Tuck and Wharton. In general, I must say when I first hired an admission consulting company, I always thought of something far more similar to Stacy Blackman services. My thanks for helping find me a consultant as soon as possible. I literally contacted Stacy about three days before my interview!
I must say my Tuck experience was nerve wrecking because my flight almost got cancelled and I left my interview prep with a consultant until the night before. However, my consultant truly went above and beyong in adjusting her schedule with my delayed flight. We went over very many asked questions during my interview, I still clearly remember that all of the questions we walked through were asked. The help gave me much more confidence during my interview. We ran through some similar questions over and over again, which really helped nail everything in my memory on how to concisely answer the question and highlight what I wanted. My consultant was also great moral support during that time. This process is very nerve wrecking but her kindness and re-assurance really did help settle the nerves before my big day.
I was also granted an interview at Wharton and SBC helped me prep once again. I particularly brought up questions regarding the team discussion that were usually asked of applicants and my consultant helped me to elaborate my thoughts around my answers. I was pretty scared because Wharton was my dream school and I wanted to make sure I was as ready as possible. I also did the group interview prep and it was a great simulation of what would happen during the real interview.”
“When I started this process, I was very unsure about my candidacy and thought my profile might be “too average”. I didn’t feel like I hadn’t drastically overcome any life altering obstacles or cured diseases in Africa. From the time I started conversations with SBC, I felt more confident. Everything I worked on brought me one step closer to learning more about myself in a very methodical manner. With my detailed questionnaire (that I referred to even while writing my 4th set of essays) and my first strategy phone call, my consultant asked the right questions in thinking through different angles of my profile that were interesting. She was able to bring out the “brag” in me to put forth my achievements and not down play them. My consultant was awesome. She is super organized, helped me pick out the right schools for me and drew me a timeline of when I should be churning essays out. She always got back to me with edits within a day, sometimes even the same day as we got closer to deadlines. She helped me draft out different possible answers to all the daunting essay questions, picked the strongest aspects and always brought some stability to my sometimes convoluted thought process. Even when we disagreed, there was always a sense of calm and rationality that kept us moving forward in creating the best possible application. She kept me focused and honest throughout. I applied to 4 schools, interviewed at 3, got into 2- Wharton and Haas.”
“Thank you so much for your time and assistance throughout my MBA application process. Your expertise really made the difference in my school selection and your point of view and guidance made a great impact on my essays and interviews. With your help I was able to get into my top choice program and I am thrilled to be starting in the fall. You where a tremendous resource and I really can’ t thank you enough. Stacy Blackman is fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented member on their staff. Thanks again for everything.”
” I received a phone call today from Texas admissions offering me a spot in their class this fall . I got a $20,000 scholarship !!!!! I don’t think I could have gotten it without your help, either, and it definitely makes the money I spent on the consulting that much more worth it! I am extremely excited, because not only does it mean I got into Texas, but it also means that all of the hard work I put in over the past year has not been for naught! It is absolutely a weight off of my shoulders to know that at the very least I have one opportunity to pursue my MBA, and I couldn’t have done it without your help. Thank you so much!”
“Looking back a year when I began the b-school admission process, there was no way I could have predicted securing admission at the schools I applied to. Coming from a traditional pre-MBA background, I was pretty convinced of my inability to suitably distinguish my experiences in this extremely competitive applicant class. Not only did my consultant from Stacy Blackman invest the time to really synthesize my experience and my story, through honest feedback and many patient conversations, the consultant helped me discover aspects of my life that indeed did set me apart. Our conversations and interactions played out more like discussions I would have with a friend. This was very important as this open and accepting environment fostered by the consultant really helped me open-up and freely express my thoughts. The fact all my messages/e-mails/phone-calls were promptly responded to says a lot about commitment my consultant had to my application. This MBA story would have been incomplete without my consultant’s contributions, thank you again for everything.”
“I really enjoyed my experience working with SBC. My consultant has been awesome through emails and in our phone conversations. All of my interactions with representatives of SBC have been top notch and enjoyable. I will definitely be recommending SBC to all of my friends that will be applying in the near future.”
“I heard back from Emory yesterday. I got in! They are also offering me a merit scholarship! Thanks again for everything.”
My consultant came very highly recommended by a friend who had worked with her previously and she more than lived up to her reputation. We worked closely from the moment I took the GMATs until I received my offer of admission to Stanford. All throughout the process, she was a knowledgeable resource, an exceptional editor, and a wonderful person. She was incredibly responsive and helped me fashion my candidacy into a cohesive whole. Her enthusiasm, energy, and support kept me feeling optimistic and excited, despite the challenges I faced.
“I spoke to SBC when I was looking around for some advice and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to engage an admissions consultant. After that first phone call, I knew I found an excellent resource and decided to sign up. I worked with SBC for Booth and MIT, and I have been admitted to both!
I found my consultant to be frank and very insightful. I wanted to work with someone who cut through all the fluff and tells me like it is, and he fit that bill. Once I started working with him, he was very organized with his approach and I was impressed with his feedback. He was also very prompt with his responses, and patiently answered all my emails regarding the applications, no matter how insignificant they were. I appreciate his help in crafting a story for each school, focusing on different aspects of my story to fit with each school’s culture. After I received an interview invite from Booth, his interview session really helped me prepare for the Booth interview. Looking back on the first drafts of my essays, I realize how terrible they were! I definitely could not have presented a strong application to Booth if it wasn’t for SBC. With MIT, my consultant made a lot of recommendations on my essays and suggested that I do a video (which I had not been considering) for MIT’s new optional essay. I am fairly certain that was a significant reason in my getting an interview invitation, and then an offer of admission from MIT (which has been especially selective this year). It was obvious that my consultant really cares about his clients and I am sure people who work with him for their MBA applications will not be disappointed. Thanks for all your help! I am fairly certain I couldn’t have done it without you!”
“I cannot thank SBC enough for the guidance and direction that was provided during the MBA admissions process. First I was coming from a military background that I wasn’t sure how to translate into something that an admissions committee would find attractive. Furthermore, I was applying in round 3 to only one school and had little margin for error in putting together my admissions packet. My consultant was always there with any questions that I had and always got back to me quickly. Her help with the essays and resume were instrumental. I was accepted and received a $40K scholarship! This definitely would not have been possible without the help of SBC and I could not recommend them highly enough to anyone looking for an admissions consultant. Thanks!”
“I Just wanted to drop a quick note about how great it was working with SBC: I have already recommended you to a couple friends who are planning to apply to schools next year. I was hesitant to use a consulting company at first. I figured they had a cookie cutter approach but after a couple weeks under SBC’s guidance, I really felt that his support was very personalized. The application process can be very daunting and admittedly, I felt a little lost at first. But with my consultant’s direction, I felt much more confident when writing my essays and preparing for interviews, knowing that he was there to keep me on the right track. I was admitted to Emory (with merit scholarship) and am 4/4 so far on getting interviews from McCombs, Darden, Kellogg and Goizueta. It would have been impossible without SBC’s help.
For those of you who are on the fence about paying for a service and worry that dollar for dollar, it isn’ t worth it, do yourself a favor, give SBC a call, work with Bill, and don’t look back. You’ll know it was worth it when you get the good news. Thanks for everything!”
“I am writing to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for the terrific work and advice by my consultant. She was quite personable and extremely helpful throughout my application process. I was pressed for time, in despair, and was looking for help from someone who can turn things around quickly without compromising on quality of application. She immediately put me at ease and spent a significant time comprehensively going through different aspects of my application. She reassured me that I WOULD still be able to get in to the b-school of my dreams as I had concerns about being an older applicant. Despite it being holiday season, my consultant was uncompromising in her attitude and pushed me to get things done by offering help and advice round-the-clock.”
“I had an amazing experience working with SBC on my interview preparation. My consultant instilled the confidence in me that helped me cruise through the interviews for various colleges. Among other things I really appreciate her patience and dedication in her work. She has demonstrated these qualities at every step of the process through timely responses to my questions and working long hours during odd times to match my time zone. Her detailed comments on responses, her ideas to improve them and her energy levels to bear with me during my several attempts at the responses to refine them ensured that I was completely prepared for the interviews. She made a tiring exercise of preparing for the interview a fun and exciting event for me.”
I was recently admitted to London Business School despite a low GPA. I would have had no chance of admission if it weren’t for my admissions consultant, and the resources offered by Stacy Blackman. My consultant was delightful to work with and extremely dedicated. She invested considerable time getting to know me and made thoughtful recommendations about school selection. She knew when to be brutally honest and when I needed encouragement. The essay revision process was highly efficient and her feedback was of the highest quality.
“SBC was truly a pleasure to work with throughout the entire application process. I had a lot of issues to consider when I decided to apply this year i.e., low GMAT score and lack of extracurricular activities and leadership roles. Also, I was very pressed for time; I only had about 2-3 weeks over the holidays to get my application in perfect shape. Given my constraints, together we decided the best strategy for me was to apply to my top choice business school this year and then do a broader application process next year if it didn’t work out. My consultant really helped me flesh out all of my life experiences and did a great job at picking out my individual strengths, which helped me stand out as a candidate. My consultant responded promptly, paid attention to every detail and was friendly throughout the entire process. She also made sure that I was comfortable with all the stories/examples I decided to go with. For example, if I didn’t want to go with one of her suggestions, she was very flexible and helped me perfect my version. With her guidance and expertise I got into Kellogg! If things didn’t go well this year, I would have definitely worked with her again this year!”
“Great news – I got in to Stern! It goes without saying that you were integral part of the whole process. So much of this success is thanks to you!”
“Stacy Blackman Consulting — it truly was an exceptional experience and I KNOW I would not have been admitted to Ross and Kellogg without your help. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I could not be happier with Kellogg, and I am extremely excited for the opportunity and the experience. As I said earlier, I honestly don’t believe I could have accomplished any of this without your help!”
“I just got admitted into the weekend program at Ross, which would have definitely not been possible without the help of SBC. I took the services for the application essays and the interview preparation. With my consultant’s vast experience, he was able to give me the insight into each essay question and explain to me the reason behind those essays and their overall context as part of the MBA application. Once my first drafts were ready, he reviewed them carefully from the perspective of the admissions committee, which helped me to revise them accordingly. As for the interview prep, he helped me out with the structure and format of the questions, the expected context and how each response would be perceived by the interviewer. He is very passionate and skilled in what he does. I am very glad I had the chance to work with him.”
“I am writing to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for the terrific work and advice by my consultant. She was quite personable and extremely helpful throughout my application process. I was pressed for time, in despair, and was looking for help from someone who can turn things around quickly without compromising on quality of application. My consultant immediately put me at ease and spent a significant time comprehensively going through different aspects of my application. She reassured me that I WOULD still be able to get in to the b-school of my dreams as I had concerns about being an older applicant. Despite it being holiday season, she was uncompromising in her attitude and pushed me to get things done by offering help and advice round- the-clock.”
“I contacted SBC very last minute for interview prep consulting for my Berkeley part-time program interview. I am so grateful for SBC and my consultant’s flexibility to work with me on such short notice and with such a specific timeline.
I made significant improvements to my interview approach all attributable to my time with SBC. We started with a mock interview, and I was immediately overwhelmed with nerves. I was having a hard time articulating my answers. My consultant had so much patience and commitment to helping me nail down my answers. She tailored the consulting to me by going question by question. I found her style so effective. I would answer a question (or attempt to answer) and she would repeat the positive points to me in a very reassuring way and provide suggestions on how to strengthen my answers. She was so informative and thorough, giving me the different ways in which they could ask the same question. This made the interview seem a lot less overwhelming and gave me more tact to my approach at answering questions. I felt more prepared than ever after our discussion. She reminded me that I have all the content and empowered me to be more confident and just be myself during the interview.!”
“I would like to say a few words of gratitude and to express my gratitude for the exceptional experience I went though with SBC. From the start, my consultant was extremely helpful throughout my application process; she has put great effort in revamping my application and generating new ideas. What is truly exceptional about is that she is always available over the phone for any questions or advice. She was a constant source of encouragement treating my application as if it was her own.”
“SBC was instrumental in getting me accepted to MIT Sloan’s Executive MBA program. I tried to get as much of my essays and statements of purpose complete using online resources including other materials from Stacy Blackman. When I sent my application package to my consultant he identified several areas for improvement. We worked line by line of my application and the result couldn’t be better. My consultant has a great ability to make each word count and make essays cohesive and powerful. He knows what items to highlight and which ones don’t add value. My application package was accepted. He then helped me with the interview by running a detailed dry rehearsal. I felt very confident on the day of the interview. I could not be happier with the outcome. Thank you SBC.”
I found that b-school applications were very much about selling myself – something that didn’t come comfortably to me at all. You helped me discover aspects about me that I previously thought were mundane, and taught me to turn them into selling points. You also turned my marginal essays into literary genius! The service is expensive but I found that it’s absolutely worth the money. With my undergrad GPA well under 3.0, I didn’t even have dreams of Haas, but with your focused game plan, I made it in! Stacy’s stats don’t lie. Her clients make it in to where they want to go!
“I am writing to provide feedback on my experience with my SBC. Overall, I think having an MBA consultant was extremely helpful and I would absolutely recommend anyone applying to an MBA to use SBC. My consultant went especially above and beyond on preparation for interviews as we had multiple mock interviews for each school. She made a strong effort to make sure I was ready for each interview and helped me tailor my responses. In addition, she was extremely helpful in essay and resume development. My consultant helped me brainstorm topics to write about before crafting the essay and helped me immensely in writing more concisely and effectively. In addition, she was largely instrumental in helping me develop my resume into something more suitable for graduate schools. Without SBC’s help, I cannot say I would have had the same results.”
“My e-mail has two main reasons: 1) To celebrate the results achieved in my application process. I applied for a total of 6 schools, was invited for 4 interviews and was accepted by 3 schools. Ross, Kellogg and Wharton. I cannot imagine a better outcome of this 7 intense months dedicated to the application process; 2) To thank you all. – I cannot imagine the same outcome, if I had not worked with you guys. Since day one when I received a call from my client liaison explaining the methodology behind Stacy Blackman until the final day you guys have always kept an excellent work, which gave me the confidence to achieve the results. – My special thanks to my consultant. He assumed several roles during the whole process. He was an strategist to see the best case for me, an English professor teaching me how to be assertive in writing essays, a coach cheering me up after a bad GMAT result (more than twice) and a friend suffering and celebrating together every step of the way. For all those things I can only say Thanks and Thanks again.”
“I was accepted to Wharton, Booth, Kellogg and INSEAD! Working with SBC is an experience I recommend to all who are considering applying to an MBA. The services I was provided with were extremely professional and organized, and everyone I interacted with from SBC was extremely friendly and generous with their time. One example of why I believe SBC offers an exceptional service is when I asked to change my consultant even after I had been given options and made my initial selection. The consultant himself was excellent however I realized the working style I preferred was different, and SBC made every effort to understand how I preferred to work so that they could match me with the right consultant. And they did when they partnered me with my new consultant! She is extremely friendly, prompt, organized, and honest with her opinions (which is very important). Her suggestions to improve my essays took them to a whole new level of conciseness and clarity. Her help was invaluable in times (most often) when I did not know where to begin cutting down words so as to fit into the limits (or the 1 page resume)! She was knowledgeable not only in helping me to review drafts but also in providing advice and answers to any general question regarding specific schools and the application process. She took the time to really understand what I have achieved and what my goals are. In reviewing my achievements and failures, she helped me understand how to talk about them positively and focus on the right issues – this was especially useful and essential when we did a mock interview together. I am very grateful for my consultant and SBC’s expertise, assistance, time and effort in this long process. It was all absolutely invaluable!”
“I’m in at HBS!! I am absolutely over the moon right now (although sad that this means I have to say goodbye to Kellogg…). And I could NEVER have done it without you, so thank you again a million times over. I never thought this would happen in a million years.”
“I got selected in Stanford GSB :) Just got a call. Thanks a lot all of you for your help. I would like to thank my consultant especially for the constant support and help that he offered me. I cannot express how glad I am to have got an admit.”
“I feel extremely lucky to have worked with my SBC consultant on this process and I owe so much of my acceptance to a top school to her. My consultant helped me get into one of my top three choice schools when just two months before I started working with her, I had only then started studying for the GMAT. Even though I came from a very different field, she got me acclimated to the admissions process and helped me stay on track during the craziness of getting back into the swing academic studies. With her encyclopedic knowledge of business schools around the world, she was able to point me to schools that fit my background, my interests, and most importantly, my personality. My consultant also helped me translate my soft skills as a musician in a way that showed my strengths through the eyes of the business world-a very different way of looking at myself up until then! Even though my overall application did have certain weaknesses, she gave me invaluable advice on how to manage those issues and present my overall profile in a way better than I could ever have imagined. On a personal level, she was able to give me either the occasional push or words of encouragement to help keep me focused and motivated during a whirlwind eight-month long process. The fact that she helped me, a classically trained cellist, get into my dream school is in its self a testament to how great a consultant she is. Business school expert and my admissions “life-coach” for the better part of a year; she is the consummate MBA admissions consultant. It was a privilege to work with her and I highly recommend that anyone looking to go to a top business school seek out SBC’s expertise. “
“My SBC consultant played an absolutely critical role in helping me both manage my expectations and meet my business school application goals. Her patience, coupled with her sense of urgency when needed, helped me juggle a demanding full-time job while studying for the GMAT (for a second time) and completing three applications. Through numerous brainstorming sessions, essay rewrites, and emails back and forth, I ultimately was admitted to two schools. My consultant’s calm demeanor and common-sense approach to the business school process gave me piece of mind and a manageable task timeline. She introduced me to information that was invaluable to the process and to which I would not have otherwise known. I fully recommend SBC to anyone who is looking for a consultant that is incredibly easy to work with and shares mutual goals.”
“INSEAD and Cambridge also forwarded the offer. So that made 3 on 3. So satisfying. I could not have done this without you! You are indeed awesome!”
I am very happy to say that I was given a top notch service and I feel that it was completely worth it. My consultants gave me excellent guidance and helped me get in to my top MBA program at a low GMAT sore of 540. They gave me assistance in strengthening other areas of application due to which Admission committee could overlook this single blemish on my application. I am very much satisfied with your services and I will recommend it to anyone.
“I just want to let you know again how happy I am that I was admitted to Wharton. It had been such a nerve-wracking few days that I’ve just finally gotten a chance to slow down and realize what has happened! This is a great outcome. I will be enrolling at Wharton and am really excited!!
I want to really thank you so much for all of the hard work you put into this application process. Your help was so valuable and really went above and beyond my expectations. The detailed attention you put into my essays and your quick and thoughtful responses to my questions made me feel so supported. I remember talking with you at the very start of this process about whether or not I should even apply this year to business school, so your help has really guided me throughout! I have only positive things to say about my experience with you.”
“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been admitted to Columbia Business School! I definitely would not have received that admittance letter without help from Stacy Blackman, and more specifically, from my consultant. My consultant worked with me patiently through every step of the process. He has intimate knowledge of what exactly Columbia is looking for in its business school students, and he helped tailor my application to highlight those certain areas most important to Columbia. He guided me through countless versions of my resume and essays, insisting nothing less than perfection. When I visited campus, he provided helpful information to ensure I got the most out of my visit. I will be moving to New York in a matter of months, to start the next chapter of my life at Columbia. I am sincerely thankful.”
“From our introductory conversation through to our wrap-up call, my consultant was fully engaged, honest, and insightful. My SBC consultant has in-depth knowledge of all business schools, and once he knew more about me, his ideas and advice actually led me to change my list of schools that I applied to for the better.
His process for putting together an application is excellent, starting off with simple brainstorming and teasing out the best ideas for an essay, while keeping in mind the greater story that the application is going to tell. His personable and laid back attitude made it easy to be open and reflect on personal experiences, which is integral to the essay writing process.
In the end, I was accepted to my top choice, Columbia Business School, and I believe that I owe a great deal of credit to my consultant’s experience and expertise with this institution. He also had insights and recommendations that helped me out a great deal with my other applications that he did not even get paid for.
My consultant is extremely knowledgeable, insightful, and experienced, and most of all, he cares! I highly recommend him for any business school application, and he should be the default choice for anyone considering Columbia.”
“I selected my consultant based on her great testimonials and proven results…and I wasn’t disappointed. I began working with her over the summer and had numerous application strategy discussions where we fashioned “a story” which played into my strengths and aligned to the specific schools to which I was applying. During the ensuing months, she was remarkably responsive sending back suggestions within hours. She even utilized her expansive SBC network to get second/third opinions to ensure we were putting the best application forward. She was truly a nice person who truly cared about me which made working with her all the better. Ultimately, I was successful in getting into Booth which was my #1 choice and I couldn’t have done it without her. I would wholeheartedly recommend her and am sincerely appreciative that I had the chance to work with her.”
“I am very happy to say that I was given a top notch service and I feel that it was completely worth it. My consultants gave me excellent guidance and helped me get in to my top MBA program at a low GMAT sore of 540. They gave me assistance in strengthening other areas of application due to which Admission committee could overlook this single blemish on my application. I am very much satisfied with your services and I will recommend it to anyone.”
“I embarked on my MBA application journey knowing that I needed someone to lean on for all application-related questions, large or small. I engaged my consultant because of her ties to and expertise with Tuck, my top choice. I was a middle of the road candidate and knew that her intimate knowledge of “what makes Tuck tick” could help me stand out from a very competitive pool of applicants. Looking back, I feel like my consultant “got” me, and helped me craft effective essays that weaved the same central themes of my story throughout each essay and each application. I only engaged her for two schools (Tuck and Darden) but was able to use material from those two applications to also apply to a third “top 20? school. Her response time was always within 24 hours, typically within just an hour or two. She also has phenomenal bed-side manner (the consultant’s version) and helped manage my expectations throughout this process. At the end of the day, I was accepted everywhere I applied and was able to have my pick of my three favorite schools. I went into the process expecting to only get into one school and just go there – my consultant helped me TRULY put my best foot forward, and I am 100% convinced that I would not be in this absolutely amazing position that I never dreamed possible if it weren’t for her. Just a note: for anyone who thinks that “hiring a consultant” will make the application process easier, think again. I am confident that I worked significantly harder on my applications than I would have without a consultant. That said, you really get out what you put in. My consultant acted as my coach and adviser and really, really pushed me to put out an impeccable and thoughtful end-product. If you’re serious about the application process, SBC will help you get to where you want to be. I can’t thank my consultant enough for what she did for me.”
“Duke said yes and threw in 70K on top of it. I’m pretty excited…it looks like your advice definitely paid off! Best 5k I’ve ever spent so far!”
“I just wanted to update you – I have been accepted to both Ross and UCLA!!!!! I am so appreciative of your help throughout this whole process. I am happy to have some choices to make and will be weighing out the options. I did get some money from Ross. Thanks so much!”
“My consultant was as good as I could have asked for. At the very beginning during the brainstorming period, she made a special effort to get to know me well and asked incisive and intelligent questions. She was able to quickly grasp my strengths and potential weaknesses and was an invaluable source of guidance with regards to my crafting a unique story. Most importantly, she was available whenever I needed to speak to her. It is my consultant’s help that I will be joining HBS this Fall!”
“I found an instant connection with my consultant She had me figured out before I even spoke to her. We were able to work well together matching up the schools that I liked with schools that she thought would be a good, reasonable fit for me. She had a very good idea of the schools that I could get into, even if I didn’t. My consultant was able to evaluate all aspects of my life and work and determine the best weaknesses to highlight and mask my apparent weaknesses. She and I worked endlessly brainstorming for essays for schools and revised my essays too many times to count. She mapped out a schedule for the whole application process that made each application manageable.”
“From start to finish, my consultant has provided insightful guidance and advice, giving me the confidence to present my ambitious longer term goal and to effectively relate it to my current and past experience. He has pushed me to reflect on my career and life experience from a variety of perspectives and create a strong and coherent application strategy. With his help and guidance, I have been able to gain admission to my dream school.”
“My consultant was absolutely great to work with through every step of the application process! I was concerned about working with someone remotely, but she was always available to answer questions by phone and email, and fast responses helped put my mind at ease right away. Talking about myself was not easy, and my consultant was instrumental in helping me structure my thoughts and how I wanted to present my MBA candidacy. She provides great feedback because its honest. It is evident that she really cares about your success, making you comfortable throughout the process. Her help in identifying and addressing weaknesses on my application gave me the confidence apply to my reach schools. I could not have gotten into my top choice without all of her help and support. I would recommend working with my SBC consultant to anyone looking to apply for an MBA.”
“I have the highest recommendation for my consultant. I could not have asked for more during my application to an EMBA program. In completing research on the internet I knew SBC was a top notch support service for MBA applicants. Even with the strong reviews of SBC, my consultant exceeded all of my expectations. I had a low college GPA and barely met work requirements to be considered by schools that I desired to apply. In short, I considered myself a reach candidate for elite schools. My consultant rounded my applications using the SBC process perfectly and did an outstanding job in interview prep so that I could highlight my strengths and market myself as an asset to each program. Her help paid off, I was admitted at 2 of my dream schools. Thanks to her help, I was able to choose between my dream programs and will now be alumni of an elite school. Outside of the results, she was a great person to work with. I felt like we were a team and she was just as eager to hear the results of each school as I was. Further, she was glad to help with any questions that I had and talk through each aspect of the process in detail. Again, I am extremely happy with the results we achieved, supported significantly by my consultant. I will gladly provide a recommendation on her behalf to anyone requiring an MBA consultant.”
I heard from FEMBA today and I am admitted!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Now it comes to the tough part of which program I choose.”
“I. can’t. breathe. I JUST GOT INTO KELLOGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At a loss for words at the moment, but had to let you know as soon as I hung up with the admissions officer!!!! I am quite possibly the happiest person on the face of the earth right now! Unbelievable. Again, a hugeTHANK YOU!”
“It was great working with SBC as I went through the stressful process of applying to various MBA programs. My consultant was extremely personable and easy to work with. His expertise and knowledge of how to develop my applications and make the most out of my personal strengths and experiences was invaluable. He worked with me on a very tight time line and was always quick to provide feedback. I was able to overcome a below average GMAT score and gain admission to one of my target schools. Without his assistance and expertise I don’t think that would have been possible.“
“I got the call from MIT this morning- I have been accepted into the 2013 cohort! Woohoo!! Your guidance proved absolutely invaluable. I really feel the application process was a team effort, and I am very grateful for all your help.”
“I wanted to share the good news with you: I got accepted at Duke. Since this year was my second attempt at getting into a school, I can tell from experience that working with you was one of the best decisions I ever made. I cannot thank you enough for helping me put together a stronger application this year. I’d love to meet and express my sincere thanks to the two most wonderful people I have worked with only over emails and calls. I also got an admission offer from UCLA, but will be going to Duke.”
“Stacy Blackman Consulting was an invaluable resource when I was applying to Kellogg’s part-time MBA program. With the application deadline just over a month away, I found myself in a serious time crunch as I had just begun to study for the GMAT and still had to write five application essays.
I contacted SBC hoping to improve my essays in order to offset an anticipated weak GMAT score. The support I received from SBC went well beyond this expectation. SBC immediately helped prioritize tasks during this constricted timeframe. First, SBC helped revise my outdated resume and prepped me for my interview at Kellogg. This included a mock interview, during which I was asked almost every single question that came up during my actual interview. Gaining insight in to the interview process and receiving immediate feedback to my responses allowed me to establish a clear framework around the message I needed to get across to be an attractive candidate. In the end, the preparation enabled me to nail the interview.
SBC’s assistance on my essays also exceeded my expectations. In addition to providing insightful guidance to me while brainstorming essay responses, SBC also provided great editing suggestions in a timely manner. I typically received feedback within 24-hours of sending a draft essay (which is especially impressive given it was holiday season). My contact at SBC elevated my essays from mediocre to beyond topnotch.
I am confident I would not have been admitted to Kellogg without the help of SBC. The team is extremely talented and clearly takes immense pride in their work.”
“Wanted to inform you that I got a dramatic acceptance from Cornell!! Thank you so much for all your help and for hanging in there with me despite so many denials! You were extremely patient during the entire experience and I loved working with u! It was an excellent experience, making it even better with the acceptance! :) ”
“Last week, after my interview with Rotman Ad Com, I have received my admit letter from them. Finally, I have an acceptance. However without your guidance, I don’t think I would be able to achieve this. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from deep of my heart and appreciate all your efforts in preparing my all applications. I seriously believe that working with you transformed my complete application and increased my chances of getting an interview call and final admit. Once again thanks for everything.”
“I just received a call from the admissions office at INSEAD. I have been selected for the MBA programme. This has happened just because of your guidance and counseling. I could not have had a better coach than you. I am so excited to join this programme!! Thanks a lot for all the things you have done for making me get into INSEAD .”
“Thank you so much for all your help. I definitely feel that the essays we worked on were great and couldn’t have made them any better. Working with you was a great experience and I’ve learned a lot during the process…I think UCLA will be a good fit for me. I’m super excited and can’t wait for what’s coming up next.“
“Just found out about an hour ago that I got accepted to MIT! I’m incredibly excited to spend the next two years in Cambridge!
Thank you so much for all your help throughout the process. I’m sure you have heard this hundreds of times but I truly could not have done this without you, and I sincerely appreciate all of your guidance that you provided along the way. Applying to graduate school while traveling full-time and leading a large workstream of a consulting engagement was not easy, but you made the process so much easier to manage. I cannot give enough praise to the job you did!
Thanks again for helping my dreams come true!”
“I wanted to let you know that Dartmouth called and offered me acceptance from the waitlist (five days after I accepted UT’s offer). I will certainly let you know what I decide, but wanted to let you know. I certainly wouldn’t have either of these opportunities if it weren’t for your support!”
“When I first contacted SBC, I was not very sure about the usefulness in having consultants to work on my B-school application. But working with the my consultants made the whole process less tedious and very beneficial. Having a low GMAT and average GPA, I was skeptical about my chances to get into Carnegie Mellon. But with their help, I was able to prepare an application that highlighted my strengths in terms of my work experience and community service and downplayed my weaknesses. Coming from a technical background, my resume was filled with technical stuff. But my consultant gave a solid uplift to my resume by focusing more on my leadership work and achievements and made it uniquely outstanding. He was extremely patient throughout the process and always took time to discuss the various issues I had during the admission process. He has good knowledge about what the admission team expects and conveys the message beautifully in essays to fit their expectations. My consultants were very warm, friendly and easy to work with. It would have been undoubtedly difficult for me to get into Carnegie Mellon without their help.”
“My consultant is a miracle worker! While incredibly friendly, she’s tough on you and will not let you ease up at any point during the process–from the initial brainstorming to the essay writing to the interview preparation. I needed that, so I couldn’t have asked for a better match. She also breathed life into my essays given my traditional background and transformed even the mundane details into intriguing tidbits that tied my professional/personal qualities together. At the end of the day, I’ll be living my dream at HBS this fall because of her extremely meticulous and insightful consulting.”
“I am ultimately attending UCLA Anderson, with a scholarship!
My consultant was fantastic to work with. She was incredibly responsive, and challenged me to tighten my thoughts, dig deeper into who I was and why I wanted to do an MBA, and why each school was a fit for me. She was available by email, phone and Gmail Chat at all times and met all of my expectations of what an MBA admissions consultant should offer. I found the Stacy Blackman process to be very strong, even though ultimately I was not accepted at all of my target schools (waitlisted at Berkeley and Kellogg).
Thanks very much for the experience and support, and I look forward to making the most of my MBA experience!”
“There was absolutely no way that I would be attending Tuck this fall without my SBC consultant. As an active duty military service member, I was blind to the MBA application process and naive that my work, in my words, would speak for itself. After several hard rejections, many without interviews, I learned about SBC. My consultant gave me feedback that identified gaps in my application, managed my expectations throughout this process, and helped identify programs that fit my needs and goals. With her near real-time, critical, honest (in my opinion, very hard to come by these days) responses, I submitted 2 waitlist letters and a full application in nearly one week’s time. (Through this process), I am surprised by how much I grew as a professional and how the feedback not only prepared me for acceptances to Tuck and McCombs, but also for my career transition.”
“I just wanted to reallllly thank you for all your help! You were instrumental in getting me an admission into UCLA Anderson School of Business and I even got a fellowship of $30,000! Once again thank you soooo much and I hope we can stay in touch!”
“My consultant was a huge help throughout my application process. I lacked direction at the onset and she helped me sift through my experiences to craft a cohesive story which I felt was an honest reflection of who I am. Her enthusiastic personality and honest criticisms were indispensable throughout every stage.”
“When I first started the application process, it seemed daunting and overwhelming. With my consultant’s help she made the entire process from start to finish as smooth as possible. She was a pleasure to work with, was always available when I needed her, and could always answer my questions. I was very pleased with the way my essays and entire applications turned out, and I was accepted into my top school of choice. I couldn’t have done it without her!”
“It is difficult to express how happy I am right now. Columbia Business School was my reach school and although I had to apply twice, I was finally admitted yesterday!!! My candidacy was very average. After three attempts, my GMAT score was still on the very low end of the the mid eighty range for the school. In addition, I didn’t attend a prestigious undergraduate institution nor did I graduate with the best GPA. The coaching I received helped remove the focus from the aforementioned and helped me highlight all the great things about my professional experience and about myself as an individual. I was able to clearly articulate my career goals and aspirations and put together an application that I know made me stick out among the other top notch candidates. Although I know I deserve to join the class of 2013, I know that I couldn’t have done it without SBC’s help. I am forever grateful.”
“My SBC consultant was exactly the weapon I needed to get into business school. Her insight, expertise and guidance helped me at every stage of the application process. From school selection to identifying my strengths and weaknesses to helping me clearly and concisely communicate my value proposition to adcom. I highly recommend SBC to anyone that wants a true, no-nonsense, professional MBA consultant with the background and the knowledge to give you a leg up in the fierce competition for b-school.”
“My consultant has changed my life and I would not be heading to Wharton (or potentially UCLA or Kellogg) without her insightful comments, candid assessments and her willingness to go back to the drawing board after 10 versions of an essay set.”
SBC, without a doubt, was the x-factor I needed to be competitive in what was arguably the most competitive MBA application season in History. I got into Chicago Booth, Columbia GSB, NYU Stern, and UVA Darden with a 2.9 undergraduate GPA. She went the extra mile for me on every single essay. I am not, by any means, a blue chip applicant. I still got into 4 of the best business schools in the country. Her constant guidance was worth every penny, and I would recommend her to anyone who is serious about getting into a top business school.
“Working with SBC for my b-school applications was an absolute pleasure. My consultant helped me right from application strategy down to essay planning & editing and even beyond. She raised my game to an altogether new level. What I loved best about her was that she was not prescriptive (like other consultants I have worked with in the past) but in fact extremely collaborative – she was a true partner. Throughout the painful process of writing & editing essays, she not only encouraged me but also motivated me to keep going when I ran into roadblocks along the way. I knew that she always believed in me – I think that I have found a friend in her.”
“As an older, international applicant from an engineering background, I knew the challenges I faced as an MBA applicant. After doing a lot of research and talking to three consulting companies, I decided to work with Stacy Blackman Consulting, and I could not be happier with my decision. After getting help from my initial company contact, I found my consultant, who was the perfect match. Her “cool” personality and professional attitude really calmed my nerves — especially after I found out I was pregnant. She pointed me in the right direction every step of the way.
Compared to younger applicants, I had many years of work experience and was struggling with what I should tell the Admission Committee. Coming from a marketing background, my consultant is such a brilliant story teller. She worked out a solution for me and tailored my stories into sharp and compelling essays. She also helped me find strengths that I was unaware of before beginning the application process. In the beginning, I treated each single essay as its own; however, my consultant guided me to view each essay as one piece of puzzle that had a specific purpose. By working in this way, we produced a complete application package.
When I was admitted to UCLA, I couldn’t thank my consultant more. Without her help, I cannot imagine how I would have handled my full time job, pregnancy and stressful applications all at once. I highly recommend SBC to anyone who seeks professional help for MBA applications!”
“Just wanted to drop a note about what a fabulous experience it was working with SBC during my successful application for Kellogg Executive MBA program. Getting into Kellogg is a dream come true for me and it simply wouldn’t have happened without my consultant’s support. I highly recommend them to anyone applying to Kellogg due to their intimate knowledge about the school, especially the Kellogg Executive MBA program. I was hesitant to engage an admissions consulting firm as I did not see many testimonials for Executive MBA programs. My consultants lay my doubts to rest as they were very familiar with what it takes to build a solid application for experienced managers like myself. My ideas of how to answer the ten or so Kellogg essays were very different from what they suggested. Their explanation on how to answer these essays from the ad-com point of view was eye-opening for me and worth the cost of engaging them. I am certain that if I had written the essay questions without their assistance, I would not have been able to make a strong case for my candidacy.
Not only did they work tirelessly to help me achieve my objective (my edited essays were always reviewed and returned with candid feedback within hours after sending them), they also drove me hard to self-reflect during the long discovery and essay-writing process. Although I did not like that upon my consultants’ insistence I had to discard and rewrite an entire 1,000 word essay (I thought it was pretty good!), I trusted their judgement. They expertly guided me to highlight my strengths (work-experience) and to address the weak areas (low-GPA) of my candidacy and at the end of the day, that made the difference.
Thank you for offering such a valuable service. I look forward to a life changing experience at Kellogg.”
“Looking back a year when I began the b-school admission process, there was no way I could have predicted securing admission at the schools I applied to. Coming from a traditional pre-MBA background, I was pretty convinced of my inability to suitably distinguish my experiences in this extremely competitive applicant class. Not only did my consultant from Stacy Blackman invest the time to really synthesize my experience and my story, through honest feedback and many patient conversations, the consultant helped me discover aspects of my life that indeed did set me apart. Our conversations and interactions played out more like discussions I would have with a friend. This was very important as this open and accepting environment fostered by the consultant really helped me open-up and freely express my thoughts. The fact all my messages/e-mails/phone-calls were promptly responded to says a lot about commitment my consultant had to my application. This MBA story would have been incomplete without my consultant’s contributions, thank you again for everything.”
“Stacy Blackman Consulting was the key to my success in the admissions process. As an individual with an average GPA, slightly below average professional experience, and slightly below average GMAT score, I was skeptical as to whether or not my dream of attending the Ross School of Business would be possible. With the help of my consultants, I was able to capture the appropriate aspects of my education, work experience, and extracurricular activities to submit the best application package possible. As a result, I was accepted to Ross within one week of my interview! I could not be happier with the services provided and the great individuals working on behalf of SBC.”
“I am very thankful to Stacy Blackman Consulting for guiding me through my MBA program application process. My consultant’s suggestions on my essays were invaluable and I really appreciate everything he has done for me. My essays ended being very succinct and interesting after incorporating His feedback during the mock interview helped me identify my shortcomings before going to the interview and hone my interviewing skills.”
“While I initially thought my consultant would only be helpful during the application essay writing process, I found that she took a vested interest in my candidacy on a holistic level. After my essays were finished, my consultant remained genuinely supportive as I visited schools, interviewed, and even during my decision making process. To have someone with her knowledge in my corner during the application process was invaluable, and I am thoroughly convinced that her help is a big part of why I am currently a student at what was my top choice.”
“Today I got accepted into the MBA program at UCLA for 2013 batch. Thanks to both of you for your support and guidance during the admission process.
BTW …I had scored 650 on GMAT and wasn’t expecting the call. I guess that’s history now.”
“The Stacy Blackman service has been amazing, and it’s difficult to describe how it’s felt to have such an amazing resource at my disposal during this all important process. In some ways the service is a contradiction – uber-professional, polished, efficient, and yet totally human, caring and accessible. The support and encouragement that I received from several members of the team – and most importantly, my consultant, was invaluable. I really felt like ‘they had my back.’ I trusted them completely, as they guided me with total confidence and expertise. Working with my consultant was a total pleasure, at times, dare I say…fun? At the end of the day, the proof is in the pudding – and I am off to HBS in the Fall. I completely endorse this organization!”
“Indian…male…technology. Those three characteristics put me into the same bucket with millions of others applying to various top business schools around the world. Although I had a 700+ GMAT score, I had a sub 3.0 GPA that put me at a severe disadvantage relative to many other applicants.
My consultant worked with me to focus on the positives and construct an application that did not feature hackneyed essays that would bore the AdComm. She helped me realize that achievements that I originally shrugged of as minor accomplishments were actually great brand builders that defined who I was and would appeal to the AdComm if marketed the correct way. I have no doubt that her tireless efforts, expertise and experience are a major contributing factor to my acceptance into a top 15 MBA program!”
“When I was researching various MBA admission consulting services, I had the chance to speak with several consultants. I chose to get coached by my consultant at Stacy Blackman Consulting because she seemed genuinely enthusiastic to help me articulate my story. I was right. Time and time again she was able to give me invaluable feedback on my application. Here’s the result she helped me achieve: I received interview invitations from every school I applied to and was accepted to my top choice school. It would not have been possible without SBC’s assistance. There’s no doubt about it.”
“My consultant has been extremely helpful in helping me gain admission to Kellogg. She knows how to turn your experiences into an uniquely outstanding application that will impress the AdCom. She is extremely responsive and provides well thought-out replies. I strongly recommend her to anyone looking to get into the top 5 b-schools.”
“I worked with SBC through the MBA application process in Fall 2009. My consultant was fantastic. She helped me identify the strengths of my application in both my professional and personal past experience. She offered thoughtful and thorough comments on my writing, and was enthusiastic and friendly through the entire process. I absolutely recommend her for anyone seeking expert advice on the application process to top MBA schools.”
“My SBC consultant changed my life and she could change yours if you let her. Working with her was an absolute dream. Without her constant support, unwavering confidence in my applications, and enough red ink on my essays to stock a Target, I wouldn’t be going to Wharton this fall. Her reviews of my essays were candid and insightful in helping me to hone my message for admissions committees. Her turnaround time is probably quicker than you will want but she will keep you on your toes and ensure that you have the highest quality essays that will enable your application to stand out from the pack. If you want to get into your dream school than work with SBC it is a decision you won’t regret!”
“There is no doubt in my mind – my consultant believed in me more than I did. Did I ever really believe that I would end up at Wharton? Not so sure I did. In retrospect, I do not know that I would have ended up submitting my applications this year if I had not had my consultant behind me, pushing me and driving the process. I had an excellent experience with Stacy Blackman Consulting and will refer you to anyone who will listen. THANK YOU!!!”
“Of course, I am extremely happy to have been accepted to my # 1 choice (HBS). At this point, I am also most grateful to my consultant who has been the best admissions coach I could have wished for!!!”
“Working with SBC was extremely helpful throughout my business school applications. My consultant provided a unique perspective on the entire process, from selecting schools, to determining a time frame and the appropriate materials for my application. She was helpful in making sure I stayed on track, and she provided great advice and feedback on all aspects of my application. She provided extremely thoughtful comments and probing questions on my essays, which helped me refine and rewrite until I was completely satisfied with them. I believe she also gave me that extra leg-up with an inside perspective that I wouldn’t have gotten without working with Stacy Blackman Consulting. Finally, I really appreciated that everyone was so accommodating of my schedule and easy to work with. My consultant was available at most times throughout the day, responded expediently to my emails and phone calls, and was able to provide last minute advice when I needed it.”
SBC is fantastic. My consultant never worried about how much time we spent on my questions or the help I needed. She helped me prepare for the various schools and made sure that I stood as a strong candidate. She prepared me well for the interviews and to give strong responses. In addition, her coaching was insightful and effective. I know that she went above and beyond her role. I would not hesitate to say that the credit for my admissions to Stanford, Yale and London Business School goes to SBC.
“I wanted to let you know that I was accepted to Wharton and started a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it all happened so fast that I did miss sending you this update! Given all your support, I thought you should definitely know! Stacy, I know you took the time to discuss and address the process directly – that meant so very much to me. Thank you again.”
“Working with SBC on my business school essays was an incredibly rewarding experience. My consultant not only coached me to acceptances at my two top choice MBA programs, but also led me on a most rewarding journey of self-discovery. It was a lot of hard work but I will always cherish this experience.”
“My consultant was everything I could ask for — genuinely interested in helping me get into the school of my dreams yet demanding in her guidance and feedback. She helped me through every step of the process — pushing me to stay on schedule, rigorously reviewed all of my written materials, and coached me through the interview process. I especially appreciated how well she could relate to me and help me craft my story for the admissions committee. I was thrilled with the results and would highly recommend my SBC consultant to any student considering business school!”
“I felt that I had the right material to gain acceptance, but needed someone to act as a sounding board for my ideas and thoughts. It took a lot of hard work, perseverance and reflection, but I was much more confident in my presentation just knowing that I had a strong advocate in my corner who took great personal interest in my success. Without SBC’s guidance and feedback I would not be a proud member of the Kellogg community.
My consultant’s key strength lies in really pushing his client to expand the depth of their essays. Frequently playing a devil’s advocate role, he offered insight about career goals well as essay focus and themes. Many of my essay ideas were superficial before he reviewed them. After several drafts, my final product was a much more focused, specific and unique creation that would stand out among a sea of applicants.
While always professional, I always felt very much at ease. I never felt that my consultant presented himself as superior or worldly because he was a graduate of a top MBA program while I was an aspiring one. Furthermore, I always felt comfortable discussing any issue or question that I might have and never felt that he was trying to pigeonhole me into presenting myself as someone who I was not.”
“I had a great experience working with my SBC consultant preparing my b-school application and preparing for my interview. She expressed a ton of enthusiasm and spent a lot phone time with me trying to understand my “story” in order to help me best present myself. It was obvious to me, after spending so much time on the phone together and developing a friendship, that she was hopeful for and invested in my success beyond what is professionally required. I found her enjoyable to work with and appreciated her insightful commentary and guidance through the process.”
“My consultant did an outstanding job working with me on my four applications. Since I needed to take the GMAT twice I was a little behind in the application process which had me fairly anxious. My consultant kept me calm about the process and focused on each school and application. She did a great job of determining which “stories” would be the best and most appropriate for each application and helped me mold one application into the next, while making sure they were still school-specific. She provided thoughtful and much-appreciated criticism, consistently improving my essays. I can honestly say my applications would not have been nearly as strong without her help.”
“I found out today that I got into Columbia!!! I received the phone call earlier this morning. As you can imagine, I’m beyond excited to have been admitted to my #1 choice! Thanks for ALL of your support and guidance along the way. I definitely couldn’t have done this without you!”
“You’re an absolute miracle worker! I honestly can’t believe it, but I was accepted into Columbia! I got the call last night while I was on my way to class, and it still hasn’t sunk in yet.
Honestly, I was a TOTAL long-shot to get into ANY program, let alone a top-notch program, and you made a tremendous effort to turn me into a viable candidate. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not have been accepted to any of the school’s I applied to if it hadn’t been for the guidance and contributions you have given me. Enlisting you to squeeze every last bit of potential out of my candidacy is easily the best decision I’ve made throughout this entire process, and the difference you have made is massive. Again, I simply would not be on the path I’m on without your help, and I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude.”
My consultant came very highly recommended by a friend who had worked with her previously (and achieved great results in doing so), and she more than lived up to her sterling reputation. We worked closely together until the moment I got my offer of admission to Stanford, which was my top choice. All throughout the process, she proved herself to be a knowledgeable resource, an exceptional editor, and above all, a wonderful person. She was incredibly responsive to all of my emails and my questions and didn’t hesitate to share her knowledge of other b-schools, as well.
“My feedback in short-hand: my consultant is fantastic. We’ve gone through probably 13 iterations on four different school’s essays and his comments have been incredibly useful. I would not have come even close to writing essays like the one’s we’ve put together so I am grateful.”
“I just wanted to covey how very satisfied I was with my consultant’s, and would love to share my positive feedback with whoever may be interested in it. They did an amazing job, particularly given the challenges my candidacy presented, and I’m absolutely certain that I would not have been accepted to Columbia University had I not had their invaluable support.”
“I could not have achieved the success without my consultant’s ceaseless willingness to perfect my application packages. With my GMAT score, I didn’t think a top school was possible, but I made it. Thank you again.“
“Without your support and guidance, I really wouldn’t have been able to bring out my stories as effectively as I did. All the brainstorming we did together has formed the foundation of all my applications.
As you know, Kellogg notified me that I was accepted and I am thrilled beyond words to start B-school next year! The application process has been long and arduous, but I am really excited to have gotten into such a top-ranked program.”
“I am ecstatic to inform you that I have been accepted to my first choice program – Duke! Just a few months ago, I was reading numerous testimonials from admitted MBA candidates on the Stacy Blackman website wondering if I would be lucky enough to be accepted to a top program. With a GMAT score of 640, I knew I had a slim chance and I had to win over admissions committees with my essays, recommendations and interviews. My consultant worked relentlessly with me to PERFECT my applications. I asked a lot questions and she was always available to answer my questions promptly and thoroughly. My consultant was incredibly meticulous, sincere, knowledgeable and diligent — She was my MBA bible. The MBA application process is quite overwhelming and much more complex than I had imagined. With her help, I was able to navigate the process with ease and confidence. She reviewed my essays with a fine toothed comb each and every time (and I had over 10 drafts) and she pushed me to dig deeper and further to pull my thoughts together. The SBC team knows what qualities and personal traits admissions committees are looking for in a candidate and this allows them to help you hone in on your best attributes and let you shine in your applications. This has been one of the most exhausting, and yet exhilarating and reflective journeys of my life and I am grateful for my success. Thank you again to my consultant and the rest of team!”
“I’m writing you to express my appreciation and complete satisfaction with the work my consultant has carried out over the last few months. Right from the start she has been highly professional, clearly very knowledgeable, enthusiastic, completely honest, and easy to work with. In addition, her dedication to the work was incredible – I genuinely felt as if we were a team working to achieve a common goal. The positive dynamic between us drastically exceeded my expectations.
I have been accepted (so far) to two top b-schools (Columbia and Chicago Booth) and there’s no chance I would have been as successful if it weren’t for her guidance and support. Her ability to highlight my strengths whilst downplaying my weaknesses in a humble yet confident way in the essays, is superior to anything I have ever witnessed before. I wholeheartedly recommend her and Stacy Blackman to anyone who is looking to getting into business school.”
“Just wanted to share the good news that I am all done and are two-and-a-half out of three – green lights on both HBS and INSEAD and waitlist at LBS. My consultant has been wonderful and has my highest feedback in every way, both in the quality of her advice and edits and the process of working with her.”
“I was recently admitted to London Business School despite a low GPA and no international work experience. I would have had no chance of admission if it weren’t for my admissions consultant, and the resources offered by Stacy Blackman. My consultant was absolutely delightful to work with and extremely dedicated to my pursuit of MBA admission. She invested considerable time at the outset of our relationship to get to know me and make thoughtful recommendations about school selection before we tackled my first application. Rather than encouraging an excessive number of applications and telling me what schools want to hear, she helped me to figure out what exactly I wanted from an MBA program and what my most marketable attributes were. She knew when to be brutally honest and when I needed encouragement. The essay revision process was highly efficient and her feedback was of the highest quality. I would recommend Stacy Blackman Consulting to anyone who is interested in attending a US or International MBA program. Thanks again!”
I wanted to thank you again for all your help. I received word yesterday that I have been accepted to the Wharton San Francisco program. A large part of this fantastic surprise is due to your help with my essays and thus I am eternally grateful to you. Last year I couldn’t get a school to even interview me. This year I have been accepted to one of the best schools in the country.
“I would like thank you all for your efforts in helping me prepare my applications to the respective schools. Today, I’m finally done applying to all schools and await being selected to be interviewed. Regardless of the outcome, I’d like to commend your services, my consultant’s resilience, and the invaluable third party feedback from the team. As the British say – Cheers! ;) ”
“My consultant is amazing and his help was invaluable. I am thrilled that I was able to get into Kellogg. Thanks for everything!”
“Reading the words “Congratulations, you have been accepted” on the screen of my computer made it all worthwhile. I cannot even begin to tell you how I felt six months ago, when I started the application process. I didn’t have a strong GPA, my GMAT was 50 points below the school average and every day I wondered whether I was going to be able to get in a top school or not. I decided to seek help from a professional, so I contacted Stacy Blackman. I was matched with my consultant, and she really made a difference for me. She identified parts of my background that I thought were not important and we worked on drafting particular “stories” about my life that would made me stand out among other applicants. Now I have been accepted to a top 15 program and my life is taking a turn for the best. I am so happy to have chosen SBC and have met my consultant. The path is long and arduous but I am now closer than ever to achieving my career goals. Thank you.”
“Got my interview for Stanford today. I will have had interviews with Chicago, Wharton, HBS and Stanford thanks to my consultant.”
“I just wanted to let you know that my consultant did an incredible job. Starting with the initial recommendation for schools and throughout the process she was honest, extremely supportive and was able to add significant value based on her deep experience in successfully advising students on strategizing applications. I primarily focused on feedback on the essays, and my consultant not only delivered but exceeded my expectations. Family and friends complimented me on the marked improvement between the original and final drafts, and I completed the process feeling that I had a good chance at every school.”
“Without your help I would have not been able to create such a solid application. My consultant contributed invaluable ideas for my essays to bring out the best of my background and to present them in such a brilliant way. Her mock interview and her feedback helped me to improve my interview skills significantly and prepare for the interview to the best of my abilities. Therefore, I was very confident and performed well during my interview.
I would recommend SBC to any MBA applicant looking for a great consultant”
“I wanted to thank you for all of your help during this entire process. I really appreciate your support and encouragement and I think it made a huge difference. Working with you has helped me become better at branding myself not just in my essays, but also at work and in my life in general. So I am really glad that I worked with you!”
“I am so glad I decided to work with my SBC consultant. I couldn’t have survived the whole process without her guidance. Her experience in the admissions staff really helped me understand what the schools I was applying to were looking for. Her experience in the corporate industry really helped me translate my personal work experience into the essays and resume. I think the best quality is her attention to detail. She helped me paint a clear picture of myself and got me thru the entire application process. I can’t say thank you enough!”
I am pleased to announce that your efforts have paid rich dividends and your candidate has been accepted to the UCLA program. I am very happy …. I don’t have words to thank you both and the efforts that you have put in from guiding me in my career, to the plan, to the story, to the essays, to the recommendation letters, to the dress to wear for the interview, to the interview brief up to everything ….I know I wouldn’t have made it without your efforts and guidance.
“I worked with SBC during my application process to INSEAD, IMD and the 1 Year Kellogg MBA programs. I would just like to give you feedback that it was an absolute pleasure working with you and hugely successful – I got into all 3 business schools! I have chosen INSEAD and start this September.
I was highly impressed by my consultants’ professionalism, wisdom and their appraoch. Even though I had a fairly high score of 690 and an emerging market background, their input and help on the application was invaluable. Highlights of my time working with them were 24 hour turn around times, right advice on how to handle the application process and interview process, and accessibility almost as soon as you need them.
I have recommended SB to 2 other potential applicants because of my positive experience and thank the Team for everything they have done so far!”
“HBS…Well… I GOT IN!!! Thank you so much Stacy … my consultant was AWESOME!!!!”
“Wharton & Lauder accepted me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot for all your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really made a big difference!!!!!!”
“Great news, I got my first acceptance today at Fuqua!! It’s so nice to finally have an acceptance after the long wait!”
“Wanted to pass along some great news! I have been accepted to both Booth (MBA) and Kellogg (JDMBA)! Your help and consulting was a large contributing factor in my admission, so I can’t thank you enough. That was certainly a stressful process, but to have achieved a 50% acceptance rate is not too bad in my book. The big question now is deciding which program to choose!”
“I want to thank you for all your help in my MBA application journey. I have been accepted at UNC and Duke. And after considerable deliberation I have decide to attend Duke this fall. Bottom line — I would not be here without your support. Your guidance made the difference.”
“Just to let you know I got into Wharton and LBS! Thanks for your help on this!”
“I got into Rice! I can’t thank you enough for guiding me through the most meaningful process in my life to date. It was an absolute pleasure to work with you. I learned so much about having a birds-eye-view perception of how I am conducting myself to others. I am a very strong and forthright individual who is very verbose, so it was really wonderful to have an editor to push me. You are truly great at what you do! I’m sure your track record is superb! I will definitely recommend your services to anyone I know applying to B-School, which once I get into recruiting, will probably be a lot.”
I was extremely happy with my experience working with Stacy Blackman Consulting. My consultant did a great job of asking the questions that made it possible for me to articulate the traits and characteristics that distinguished me from other applicants. Additionally, she was always responsive, answering my questions within 24 hours, and provided her thoughts on application related matters within a very short time frame. I was thrilled to be offered a full fellowship to my Top 10 business school choice.
“When I started looking around for prospective Application Advisory firms, it was important to me to find one that explicitly pointed out its deep experience with Executive MBA programs. I felt (rightly or wrongly so) that the admissions committee of an Executive MBA program would be looking for something different in an applicant than full-time program looks for, and accordingly, that an Executive applicant’s story and application has to be tailored to those subtle (and not so subtle!) nuances. As such, I wanted someone with experience in working through Executive applications. After my initial phone consultation with my consultant, I knew he was the guy I was looking for to help navigate me through this process.
Looking back on the past few months, Stacy, I cannot imagine having gone through this process without the help of my consultants. I’d be all over the place without them! They were fantastic to work with, always responded to me in short order with valuable feedback, and consistently with conviction (yet humbly) stood up for what they thought was in the best interest of my application. They always put the application’s best interests first with respect to what the Admissions Committee would likely be looking for — and that’s exactly what I wanted in a Consultant (versus someone who would agree with everything I said right off the bat).
I can look back on the whole process — however it turns out — knowing I wouldn’t have changed a thing, and that I was able to put my best foot forward to the admissions committee, all thanks to my consultants. I trust they’ll continue to do amazing work for you, delighting their next set of clients who will, no doubt, be just as pleased as I was to have the privilege of working with them.”
“Thank you Stacy Blackman Consulting and especially my consultant. Anyone who is serious about applying to graduate business school should consider using Stacy Blackman Consulting. The competition for business school admissions is extremely intense, and in my case, I wanted to do everything possible to ensure that my application was as good as it could be. My consultant helped guide me in all aspects of the application so that I differentiated myself from the competition. She helped me realize that the application was more than just answering questions and listing accomplishments/achievements. The application was an opportunity to tell my story – my accomplishments, failures, background, values, etc. It was an opportunity to show the Adcom why I was a unique individual and deserved a seat at their school. It was no coincidence that I was accepted into Duke — the one application where I received guidance.
I received help on all all aspects of the application. My consultant reviewed my data sheets, resume, etc. before submitting. She also gave me a mock interview over the phone before my real interview. Her turn around time was minimal for all aspects of the application (including reviewing essays). This was extremely appreciated, especially since she sacrificed much of her time over the holidays.”
“The best thing about Stacy Blackman consulting is that it is not just an essay editing service. My consultant made me feel that she and Stacy Blackman Consulting really wanted me to succeed and really took the time to guide me through the process. She kept me focused and organized from start to finish.
I could not be more pleased with my consultant, or my experience with Stacy Blackman Consulting. I am happy to recommend Stacy Blackman Consulting to anyone with the highest of praise.”
“Just wanted to say thank you for all your help in the application process. While it was a long journey, the hard work paid off. I got accepted to Booth. I just visited Chicago and the campus for the first time about a week ago and it was a great experience. Thank you for helping me put my best foot forward and delivering a great application. Stacy – thanks for advising me and pushing me to apply second round. The decision ended up being a wise one.”
By the time I started preparing for the GMAT I was living in China with a very demanding job requiring me to work very long days and regularly 6 days a week. That not being enough I had a hard time with the GMAT. So when I started doing my research on the MBA application process I very soon realized that given my background I would need help from someone who understood the application process of a US MBA program. My plan was to apply in 1st round, but after discussing my situation with my consultant we decided to give the GRE a try and apply in the 2nd round. Looking back, this was a crucial decision! I scored very well on the quantitative part and this eliminated the problem of looking like having weak quantitative skills. By the time we started working on the first application I felt the essays would be the easier part. I never expected the essays to require such big efforts. I worked every morning before going to work one hour on the essays, sometimes after work and certainly every Saturday and Sunday. My consultant was there every step of the way. He helped me to find my own words and craft a message that I truly felt was my own. And the recommender packages we prepared together were very well received.
Today I know that without his help I would have never managed to get accepted by Wharton and Harvard. After so much work I have put into my applications it still feels surreal that I managed to get into two of the very best schools!”
“I wanted to let you know that I was admitted to Columbia! Thank you again for the great work editing the essays and for the interview tips.”
Working with SBC was an incredible experience that meant all the difference in my applications. My consultant walked me through the process and helped me understand how to highlight my skills. I was admitted into the two schools that I received help with and offered substantial financial aid packages at both schools. Your belief in my potential has helped me realize my goals
Reviews from Beat the GMAT forums
Username: MBA_Kayli
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Feb 28, 2014
I recently hired a consultant from Stacy Blackman Consulting and I had a great experience! The whole process was very organized and everyone I contacted was very helpful in getting my questions answered. I was matched with a former MBA admissions director, Lisa Anderson. Lisa was exactly what I needed. She kept me on track with a timeline and constant communication to help me meet the deadlines we agreed upon. Not only, did her recommended edits on my resume and essays make a huge difference, but she also helped me understand the big picture of why I was applying to business school and I what my future goals were. There was also a really cool wikipedia page that I had access to with resources such as past interview questions for my specific schools, which I found very helpful!
I applied to the same schools two years ago and didn’t get in to any of them. This time with the help of Stacy Blackman Consulting, I got accepted at my top choice program AND I got a scholarship!! I think anywhere you go the consulting fees are a little pricy, but it is an investment that is well worth it to get into your dream program! And in my case the scholarship (that I definitely wouldn’t have gotten without my consultant’s help) completely covered my fees plus left me with about $6,000 extra!
I would definitely recommend contacting Stacy Blackman Consulting at for a free consultation!! Best of luck with the MBA application process!!
Username: showme2thebike
Total messages by user: 2
Posted on: Apr 27, 2014
Staying on top of deadlines, being able to tell a compelling story, and knowing what admissions committees look for in applications are reasons why I needed an admissions consultant. My GMAT and GPA were average and I needed an edge on getting into a business program. I worked with Caryn Altman from Stacy Blackman Consulting and found her expertise helpful during the process. Admissions consulting can be expensive but I reasoned that the opportunity cost not having an MBA in my field (consulting) would be much more expensive. Caryn worked with me to develop a strategic plan and recommended several ways for me to address my shortfalls. She provided content that helped me shape career goals into believable (imagine that) objectives that would assist in writing essays and served as a sounding board when content needed adjustment. We also had interview practice and she provided solid feedback on what to say, what not to say, and how to stress different strengths in my professional and extracurricular experiences. She also provided guidance on which schools made the most sense given my preferences for geography (DC/Mid-Atlantic), school size, program focus areas and recruiting channels. Needless to say, I’m happy with Stacy Blackman and owe a huge thanks to Caryn for helping me get into school.
Username: korincrawford
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Jun 2, 2014
I was a unique candidate with several entrepreneurial ventures under my belt that don’t fit within a neat box. Luckily I contacted SBC for help. Esther Magna put me in touch with Dawn Clare, and the rest is history. I was admitted into Stanford GSB’s 2015 MSx Program (i.e. Sloan Program), the GSB’s awesome 12-month, full time accelerated business degree for mid-career professionals.
Dawn’s advice and recommendations were spot on! She helped me craft a unique application strategy tailored to the specific sensibilities of the executive level program I was applying for. The comprehensive application strategy included a custom executive resume template, recommender and essay guidance, and many email and phone strategy sessions. What stood out was Dawn’s specific knowledge of the Stanford GSB, then translated into the fundamental attributes of me as a professional that should be highlighted within my application. She knew how to differentiate the GSB’s MSx program from the MBA program – showing a detailed knowledge of both.
Many thanks to Dawn, Esther, and SBC!
Username: ming
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Dec 17, 2013
I’m heading to GSB next fall and just want to share my great experience working with Paul at Stacy Blackman Consulting! The Stacy Blackman team did a fantastic job matching me up with a consultant based on my background and desired school. Paul’s knowledge about GSB combined with his creative approach really got me to think outside of the box. I do not have the ivy league + fortune 500 background, and just finished my undergraduate degree this year. Paul never tried to mold my application into something the school might want. Instead, he helped me find my unique qualities and strengths. In the end I was able to create an application that’s strong, unique and authentic.
I used the comprehensive package and highly recommend that.
Username: Johnsmith12345
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Dec 17, 2013
I’ve just finished using Stacy Blackman and strongly recommend their program with full conviction. They helped me gain admission to Stanford and Yale with a 3.0 GPA and several other application deficiencies. These were my reach schools and I put my odds of admissions at slim to none prior to working with SBC. I worked with a consultant named Kevin, who I’d certainly recommend for applicants with less-than-perfect stats trying to get into great schools. He really helped me figure out how to position my story, write great essays and put my best foot forward.
Username: mmccarron
Total messages by user: 2
Posted on: Dec 20, 2013
Choosing SBC comprehensive package was the best decision I’ve made – thanks largely to the help of Paul, my consultant, I am heading to HBS in the fall! Paul was a retired PE professional who had previously attended both Harvard and GSB, as well as serving on several admissions committees. With his guidance, I really felt when I hit the “submit” button that my application was the best, most honest reflection of myself possible. Had I gone it alone, I don’t doubt that uncertainty in positioning my accomplishments would have led me to create something much more generic. I have friends who also used SBC and were equally pleased — highly recommended!
Username: AMV
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Dec 22, 2013
Before committing to SBC I had a small beauty contest with other Consulting Firms.
The flexibility SBC showed in every aspect of the process has been the final driver for me to push the button with them.
Caryn Altman has been my consultant during this journey, and I definitely recommend her! Also Lisa Anderson, Carol Grayson supported me with an ad hoc aspects of one of my application .
All the insights I received were not generic, but bespoke to my situation (Italian – Finance Background), and I could sense the valus added of having consultant woth extensively Admission Officers experience in my team.
I think the overall process has been more manageable with Caryn support. Her approach is disciplined and structured allowing me to tackle all the bits that compose the MBA application journey into more manageable pieces.
Her experience allowed us to to leverage on every aspect of the work we were doing effectively and optimizing the time spent.
The accessibility has been spot on and also the possibility to taylor my package towards the areas I felt the need to focus on mostly has been key.
Baseline – accepted to all the BSs I applied with their support (Tuck and Insead )
I feel SBC has been the ultimate tool to communicate my story in the best way. I think I was a strong applicant with respect to several items but figuring out what to write and what to write not and how to convey the key messages is an aspect Caryn and I worked on a lot and at the end of the day effectively.
Finally I am happy with my personal choice – I can’t recommend more SBC and Caryn.
Username: mbastudent2014
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Jan 6, 2014
Also wanted to share my experience (and gratefully my success) in using a consultant for the MBA application process. I checked out a few firms before committing to Stacey Blackman and working with Carol Grayson for applications to HBS and the GSB. Overall, my advice for anyone would be to make sure that you have a strong connection with the specific consultant that you are working with – I happened to find this with Carol at SBC. The second factor for me is the tradeoff between a smaller consulting shop vs. some of the larger ones (e.g., SBC, MBAMission). Personally, I was much more comfortable with a larger company because they offer many more resources and also because they hold their consultants accountable and you have some recourse if you feel like you aren’t getting what you need. SBC specifically allows you to have another person look at your final application, which I appreciated a lot after being in the weeds with Carol for several months.
I was ultimately successful with my HBS app and do think that my application was much stronger having working with a consultant. To give you context, I was a rather “traditional” applicant, so it was important for me to clearly articulate my story and why I wanted to go back to school. If you are in this situation, a consultant is 100% worth it – Carol pushed me really hard on narrowing my “field of interest” into a “point of interest”for my story. This was a distinction that I didn’t understand and probably would not have seen if I hadn’t gotten her feedback, and it is what distinguishes stellar applications vs. good applications.
My advice would be to set up a diagnostic at the very least. It’s free, and they will give you an honest assessment of your candidacy and what they will work with you on. The assessment that SBC gave me about my application (e.g., strong and weak points) and the schools I was looking at were spot on – they are clearly longstanding professionals who know what they are talking about
Username: mbawishes
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Jan 23, 2014
While I debated hiring a consulting company for a couple of months, I couldn’t be happier with my ultimate decision to do so. I now think I was wrong to view it as an expense since it’s really more of an investment in you. My consultant, Caryn, was amazing from start to finish. She was extremely dedicated and responsive, with a turnaround time of less than a day most of the time. Her help on my resume, essay mapping and editing, interviews and school selection was instrumental to my success and sanity. I was accepted to 3 of 4 schools (I withdrew from the last school prior to accepting their interview invitation), and will be attending my top choice (Kellogg!) with a 75% scholarship. There is no way this would have ever been possible without Caryn’s help. I know a lot of applicants hesitate due to cost (trust me, I was one of them; also, SBC offers payment plans), but at the end of day I truly believe that money was a small investment that earned me a significant amount in scholarship money. Also, many people decide to use their friends and/or mentors for essay editing. However, Caryn knew exactly what stories would work and how their effectiveness could be maximized. I don’t think many people could have shaped my essays as well as she did.
Username: mjphillips88
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: May 29, 2014
I had an incredible experience working with Caryn and Stacy Blackman Consulting. From the initial phone call through successful admission to one of my target schools, SBC made the process as smooth as possible. Caryn helped me structure my application strategy and always delivered helpful, constructive feedback. Caryn had a wealth of knowledge about each of my target schools and about the application process in general. The most helpful part of working with SBC was the consistent, helpful feedback. Caryn did not shy away from giving the tough feedback that I would not have gotten from family members, friends and colleagues. The MBA application process is challenging and stressful, but it was a pleasure working with SBC. I highly recommend SBC and Caryn to any prospective MBA students.
Username: unes2k
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Feb 23, 2014
I contacted many different consulting groups, but SBC listened and answered my needs the most. SBC asked what I was looking for, realistically evaluated my chances of getting in, and came up with a few consultants to choose from. I interviewed each one and decided to work with Sherry Holland. From then on I had one point of contact, but I always felt that Sherry could use all of SBC’s large resources to support our ideas and help us move forward.
Sherry is extremely efficient, professional and fun. Sherry always answered my emails/calls within a day at most and I never felt I was waiting long for anything. Having worked in the admissions office and attended prestigious schools, Sherry knows what it takes to get you into your dream school! Sherry has helped me figure out what I really wanted to do with my life/career and which school to ultimately attend. Even when all was said and done, Sherry continued to reply to my emails with advice: I had not received a scholarship from my dream school, but we agreed it was worth asking again. She advised on how schools evaluate scholarships and looked over my “essay”. A few weeks later, I had received a scholarship! I will attend my dream school and the money I spent with SBC was worth it with or without the scholarship!
Username: Neverquit
Total messages by user: 2
Posted on: May 24, 2014
“I am an executive leader with 13 years of executive management experience who applied to several EMBA programs only to be denied two years in a row. I was very discouraged and frustrated when a friend recommended I contact Stacy Blackman Consulting. I contacted SBC and found everyone in the firm kind and helpful. During the first phone call with my consultant, Sherry Holland, I was sure that she is the one who going to make it happen. Her support, expertise and guidance were impeccable. She was a confident and a secure base for me as well as a knowledgeable consultant who put all her time to ensure my success. This year with Sherry’s help and rigorous preparation for my interview, I sailed through it with confidence and was admitted to my dream school without even having to take the GMAT!
Without Sherry’s help, I know I would not have been admitted. I recommend SBC and Sherry Holland if you want a true professional who will support you and always be honest with you. She always said: ” I am going to tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear in order to make you a stronger candidate.It is proven to me that no other consulting firm understands the admission process like SBC dose.”
Username: Windblown
Total messages by user: 1
Posted on: Jul 16, 2014
I can’t say enough good things about Sherry. She is very talented and combines thoughtful insight with her experience as an admissions officer at Duke’s MBA program. I started looking at MBA programs late in the process and was very nervous due to my lowish GPA. However, working with Sherry was a pleasure and made my application much, much stronger.
I started working with Sherry when I was still deciding on which schools I wanted to apply to. She helped me narrow my search and thoughtfully listened to my story and my goals. She helped me understand how admissions officers think (she should know- she was one herself!) and helped me understand what parts of my story were most interesting to them.
Sherry is also a very good essay critiquer and didn’t hold back when she thought something needed to be changed. She made me take out whole parts of my story that in retrospect were just fluff and at other times, she made sure I tailored my essays to the question being asked. Sherry was also available night and day, and even worked with me at the very end of my deadlines. By the end, I was very happy with my applications and felt that they truly did represent me. The admissions committees apparently did as well because I was admitted to my target school, a top-ten MBA program.
I will be attending a top-ten MBA program this year and give Sherry my full recommendation.
Reviews from
User: Private
A+ service on all counts.
User: Private
After having worked with Caryn and been accepted to Kellogg in Round 1, I can confidently say that going with Caryn/Stacy Blackman was one of the best investments I have ever made. Caryn believed in me from the onset and pushed me to deliver an overall higher quality application than I could have ever done on my own. Caryn was helpful in brainstorming how to best position my story, always candid with her thoughts and advice, and very quick at responding while also thorough with her comments and feedback. Caryn’s biggest value-add for me personally was her unique ability to help identify the strongest and most relevant stories/themes/attributes to highlight throughout my application. Most importantly she helped me structure the essay content in a format for “business writing” and frame the content as clear and succinct answers to potential interview questions. All in all, I highly recommend Caryn – she can and will make the difference!
User: Private
After working with another well known service on an hourly basis and going nowhere, I enlisted Amanda from Stacy Blackman to help me with my applications. We started out hourly and it was like a breath of fresh air. I immediately started to make progress and see the application develop. I converted to a comprehensive package and although that first check was a big one to write it was worth every penny – I honestly would have paid double. Amanda’s guidance made the applying to bschool process so much easier – I finally understood how to write my essays and felt so much more confident about the final result. I was admitted to four schools, received one full ride and couldn’t be happier with my experience.
User: businessminded
All I can say is that I got into schools after using Stacy Blackman Consultants that I had been rejected from the year before! I think that speaks for itself! I am SO satisfied and happy with my consultant and the application process. A+++
User: scorpiomba
Awesome and marvelous experience! My consultant was truly professional and outstanding in providing guidance and comments. Personalized guidance from my consultant and Stacy herself was really helpful in assessing the target schools, structuring my best applications and achieving truly amazing success.
User: Private
Consultant seemed confident, but rejections across the board, and rejection analysis was “try again next year”.
User: Private
Consultant was terrific and also got my key essay looked over by another colleague. As with the other applications, feedback was timely and insightful.
User: Private
Did not provide any overall content suggestions, just writing / format suggestions. I expected a lot more.
User: Private
Every member of the Stacy Blackman team that I encountered was excellent and went out of their way to provide great service to me. Most notably, my consultant, Lisa, was incredible. She provided support, insight and assurance every step of the way, from the initial strategy session to essay outlines right through to recommendations, final drafts and interview prep. The interview prep was so insightful I truly think it made the interview for me. She prepped me for the good and the more challenging aspects and helped me to feel more at ease for the real event. She was nice and easy to work with but also pushed me really hard. In the end she was everything that I could hope for a consultant to be and I could not be happier with my final outcome.
User: Private
Excellent advisory and coaching style. First they gave some sound advice on school selection, and from then on provided wonderful support even under very tight timescales. 100% recommended !
User: Private
Feedback tantamount to “that sucks for you…”
User: Private
Given my tight timeframe and desire to apply to several schools, my SB consultant was critical in helping me strategize my application and tailor my strengths to each program.
User: Private
Had a very positive experience with Stacy Blackman Consulting. Applied 2 years in a row with zero success, then went to work with them. Was admitted to three schools. Got the inside scoop from my consultant who knew exactly how to tell my story. Very professional, great turn around time. very smart people over there and very nice too.
User: Private
I am very pleased with my experience with Stacy Blackman Consulting. My consultant was excellent and the process was smooth from end to end. I felt that they fulfilled on everything I was promised up front. I took a comprehensive package and the feeling of just having an advocate and expert on my team whenever I needed was incredibly reassuring. no question I asked was too trivial, every detail was considered important and I felt that my consultant (Lisa A) treated me with respect and care. Best part was the results, of course, but the process was far less painful because of their support.
User: Private
I am walking on air today as I wrap up my pre-MBA work experience tomorrow. Looking back, I started this process with a decent but not particularly outstanding resume. 700 GMAT, 3.4 from a so-so school, etc… I wanted to go to a top school but would say it was more of a pipe dream than a reality. I contacted SBC and let’s just say that they had me at hello. My first contact there was incredible and so was every person I met along the way. My consultant (Lisa) took my experience and stories and spun them in ways I never would have thought of. I trusted her, truly enjoyed working with her and now – feel I owe my life to her. I made it in to 3/4 schools that I applied to. I do feel that I owe a lot of my success to the team at Stacy Blackman. When I look at my essays now, I know they represent me, and came from me, but tell my story in ways I would not have thought of without them. Worth every penny – my apps turned out leaps and bounds better than they ever could have if I ha
User: Private
I applied to UCLA with Stacy Blackman Consulting’s help and I was admitted with a large scholarship. I cannot say enough about the guidance that I received and the results. I truly think that they made the difference for me. There is no comparison between my first and final essay drafts. This is a top tier organization – professional all around. I am highly appreciative.
User: Private
I cannot say enough about the team at Stacy Blackman Consulting. I applied last year and came up empty. This time I got into Harvard. That pretty much sums it up.
User: Private
I did buy this right before the deadline, but the quality was really poor. Basically my consultant gave me one semi-useful piece of advice and shifted sentences around in my essay to introduce 20 grammar errors. Should have just asked a friend and saved $400.
User: Private
I do not believe I would have achieved this goal (2/3 schools) without Stacy Blackman Consulting. I was skeptical of consultants at first and did a lot of research, but can now say that anyone who is serious about applying to MBA programs should consider using Stacy Blackman Consulting. My consultant helped me differentiate myself from the competition. I was more than satisfied with my consultant, and my experience with Stacy and Stacy Blackman Consulting.
User: Private
I embarked on my MBA application journey knowing that I needed someone to lean on for all application-related questions, large or small. I engaged Maureen Capitolo at SBC because of her ties to and expertise with Tuck, my top choice. I was a middle of the road candidate and knew that her intimate knowledge of “what makes Tuck tick” could help me stand out from a very competitive pool of applicants. Looking back, I feel like Maureen “got” me, and helped me craft effective essays that weaved the same central themes of my story throughout each essay and each application. I only engaged her for two schools (Tuck and Darden) but was able to use material from those two applications to also apply to a third “top 20” school. Maureen’s response time was always within 24 hours, typically within just an hour or two. She also has phenomenal bed-side manner (the consultant’s version) and helped manage my expectations throughout this process. At the end of the day, I was accepted everywhere
User: Private
I had a brilliant experience with Esther at Stacy Blackman. She was my contact from day one and I could not have asked for a better partner. She pushed me hard and was respectful, responsive and inspiring. She knew how to coach me to a great application and also had a very strong sense of providing great service. I am forever and ever and ever grateful to Esther and the extended team, many of whom played a role in my success. My results and my experience with Blackman exceeded my expectations for sure.
User: Private
I had a phenomenal experience working with the team at SBC. They had incredible expertise and resources. My consultant was amazing and truly went above and beyond on my behalf. Very expensive and worth every penny, as I was awarded a scholarship that far exceeds the cost of the consulting services.
User: Private
I had a very strong experience with Stacy Blackman Consulting. I struggled for a long time, trying to do it on my own until i finally decided to make a big investment to hire someone. In terms of the time I saved, the stress it alleviated and the results, it was worth every penny. I truly had a wonderful consultant and my experience was strong from the very first meeting. I give them my highest recommendation.
User: businessminded
I had worked with another MBA consultancy while applying to b-schools and had a less-than-satisfactory experience with them. I didn’t get into my top schools, and felt pretty disillusioned with the whole process. After speaking with a few different consultancies, I decided to reapply this year and try a new approach — Stacy Blackman Consultants was the way to go! Since day one I’ve felt like my consultant has been there for me, to answer all my silly questions, to hold my hand when I need it, and sort of act as my friend through this terribly stressful process. They helped me feel like this wasn’t a process I should be scared of, and really dug into my background to find the best way to present myself on the applications. I spent (way) too many hours obsessing over these applications, and my consultant was more than happy to read and edit my essays over and over again! I would recommend Stacy Blackman Consulting to anyone that is applying to b-school, especially if you are weary
User: Private
I LOVED my consultant at Stacy Blackman Consulting. She was always prompt on edits and responses, always available to take my calls at random hours, and helped me figure out exactly the story I needed to tell in my application to make it the best it could possibly be. I got into my top 2 choices and I really think I owe a lot of that to the help I got from my consultant!
User: Private
I only wish I could pack up my consultant, Lisa, and take her to school with me. She was right on target on every single thing we worked on – advising me of the proper mix of schools, knowing when to take a risk and when to be more serious, which stories to tell, all of it. I liked working with her a lot – in addition to knowing her sh*t she made me feel more organized and less overwhelmed and made the process more enjoyable. We spent a ton of time on the phone and she was extremely responsive over email. Great experience overall and truly worth every penny I paid.
User: Private
I owe it all to Caryn at Stacy Blackman Consulting! She was superb from start to finish and I truly loved working with her. The entire team at Stacy Blackman was remarkable. Many kudos and thank you’s…I give them my highest recommendation.
User: Private
I took advantage of every single aspect of the SBC service and they did not let me down at any turn. I had many discussions on strategy and school selection, received multiple rounds of feedback on my essays, resume and recs. I went through as many as 14 rounds of revisions on some of my essays. The interview prep was extremely helpful, even things such as help with selecting recommenders, what to wear to my interview, which events to attend…all of it was covered and the advice was excellent. I cannot imagine going through this process solo, without the guidance of someone who truly knows what they are doing. I also benefited from guidance from more than one member of the consultant team. I had a primary consultant, an extra consultant who was checking in on me and a flight test which was basically a test run of my application with an admissions person. I also received feedback from a few other consultanst on specific questions. In others words, I really feel like I utilized
User: Private
I was fortunate to have a consultant, Dawn, who was phenomenal. She graduated from HBS as a scholar and is super smart. She also is so nice and supportive. What I liked most is that she is honest about my application and the success factors that each school looks for. She told me what my weak applications were and how to fix it. She put together a comprehensive strategy. She explained to me very specifically how to maximize my application impact for Harvard versus Wharton. She also went the extra mile, helping me with questions even on how to ask a tricky recommender for a recommendation. She also gave me techniques about staying positive and as she says blissful during the stressful admissions time. I NEVER would have gotten in because Dawn changed most of the ideas I had about how to do my essays and interviews. Following her, I got in! Go with Dawn, she is the best!
User: Private
I worked with Caryn Altman at Stacy Blackman. She servedon eth Kellogg admissions committee prior to working with SBC. She was a true partner for me in the process. i relied on her, as well as my SBC client liaison and I used some of their essay guides. I was well taken care of and was admitted to three schools despite some issues that I had to overcome. By the time I got in I thought I was bringing Caryn to school with me. We went through 14 revisions of my first set of essays. I was a great experience and I highly recommend SBC.
User: Private
I worked with Stacy Blackman Consulting and was admitted to 3/5 schools. I also received 2 scholarship offers. My consultant, Amy, was great to work with – she has a great sense of humor and is no bullsh*t. She tells it like it is and helped me put together a far better application than I ever could have on my own. She also irritated me at times when I sent her something that I thought was great and she told me it wasn’t. But I needed that feedback and respected her directness and honesty. I sweated a lot working with her – she is demanding and pushed me to bring out my best. The SBC flight test was also an awesome benefit of working with these guys. I think that extra piece of feedback improved my application and gave me a sense of confidence when I submitted. In summary – I am in and have no regrets at all about investing a comparatively small amount of money up front to get it right. I recommend SBC and already have to many friends, actually.
User: Private
I worked with Stacy Blackman Consulting on three schools and was admitted to each one. My consultant was exceptional – great energy, very knowledgeable, responsive and committed. I always received responses same day, we talked on the phone frequently and worked through my overall game plan. I have several peers with similar credentials who did not fare as well as I did. I definitely credit John (at SBC) with much of my success. I also found the flight test to be a huge benefit of the service. Finally, my interview prep was incredible – made the interview process much easier and more predictable. I will say that I think I am a fairly good writer, so the writing was not where I needed a lot of help – it was more in the overall plan, concepts, how to market myself. My essay themes changed drasticaly when i started working with John.
User: Private
My consultant was a Wharton grad and knew the school inside and out. She was terrific in terms of helping me mold all the raw material I had into a coherent story. Turnaround time was incredible (max 48 hours, usually 24 hours) and feedback was specific and spot on.
User: Private
My consultant, Tyler, helped me effectively showcase my skills and talents to the adcom. I learned important skills from him that transcend the MBA application process. I HIGHLY recommend Tyler as a consultant. The entire Stacy Blackman staff is very responsive and helpful.
User: Private
My SBC consultant, Jed, was by my side every step of the way during the application process. I am extremely grateful for the support that I received, as it led to three admits at my top choice schools. I think the most valuable aspect of Jed’s support was his ability to dig into my background and help me distill all of the chaod into a few very important sell points. He got me to reflect and asked me questions that caused me to arrive at very important answers. I really enjoyed working with SBC and felt that I grew through the process, in addition to reaching my goals. It truly was a worthwhile experience of self reflection and absolutely a success.
User: Private
Outstanding guidance and help from Caryn Altman, consultant for Stacy Blackman Consulting. Always very positive attitude, excellent coaching all the way to my decision. Admitted to 3 out of 3 top tier schools (2 w scholarships). I strongly recommend SBC and in particular Caryn Altman, who I will never be able to thank enough for helping me through this decisive moment of my professional career.
User: Private
Overall, I had an excellent experience with SBC. The service that I received was amazing. I learned how to market myself effectively and mitigate my shortcomings. My consultant, Lisa, was enthusiastic, and helped me with every step along the way. I am truly glad that I chose SBC!
User: Private
Phenomenal service from the Blackman group. My consultant and I worked very closely – every day for several months. She was incredibly insightful and strategic. She took a lot of pain out of the process and at the same time worked me very hard. I really cannot say enough about the service that I received from the very first email confirmation to the follow up when I was initially waitlisted at one of my schools. Stacy Blackman was involved with helping me navigate the waitlist – it was a team effort that paid off. I highly recommend to anyone who needs an assist with this process. I cannot imagine going wrong with this team behind you.
User: cepe
Provided pretty much solely essay proof reading. Not worth the money. Seemed uninformed about any of my school choices and provided no assistance selecting schools, despite this being something they mentioned providing when trying to sell the service. A waste of money.
User: Private
Really a great service — totally comprehensive, from start to finish. Comments/suggestions were thoughtful and prompt. I would recommend w/o reservation.
User: Private
Simply put, Stacy Blackman consulting is excellent. My consultant served as a great resource throughout the entire process, but what set them apart was the essay preperation and editing. My first essay drafts were not good – had I not had an honest consultant who told me why the essays weren’t good, and what types of experiences I should draw on – I would not have got into Kellogg.
User: Private
terrible turnaround time, pretty much did it all by myself, not worth the money.
User: Private
The consultant was terrible — needs to work on his social skills and Stacy basically just ignores you once the application is done. Terrible experience and a waste of money.
User: Private
The guidance I received in preparing my applications was invaluable. There online resources of historical essays and current advice was great!
User: Private
the Harvard interview help was incredible.
User: Private
The team at Stacy Blackman Consulting was top notch. I worked with my main consultant and also drew upon several other experts within the group. I was admitted to every single school that I applied to despte being significantly above average age. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and am of course happy with the results. I found them to be uniformly ethical, smart, responsive and caring. I give them my highest recommendation.
User: Private
this one was a surprise – we felt it was a bit of a reach but I received an admit.
User: Private
This was a reapplication for me and I was delighted and shocked to be admitted this time. I can honestly say that the key difference between my first and second attempts was having Stacy Blackman Consulting on my team this time around. In some ways the changes to my application were subtle, but in other ways it was an entirely new way of approaching the process and of presenting myself. The Blackman team was professional and knowledgeable, my consultant, Kevin, was incredible and someone that I now consider a friend. I know that I would not be going to Wharton without them, as I did indeed try – and fail – without them. I give them my highest and most sincere recommendation.
User: Private
this was like a miracle for me. I owe a lot to the support I received from SBC
User: Private
this was my third attempt at MIT. I am SB’s service made the difference for me!
User: Private
This was the first application I completed with my consultant. She was extremely adept at helping me refine my story line and pulling out the most important details to emphasize. She was patient and went through many iterations with me. The difference between the first and final drafts is remarkable!
User: Private
thrilled with every aspect of this service!
User: Private
Total rejections, with useless feedback: “oh well, at least your job is good”.
User: kswong
Turnover time slow. Only bought 2hr. I guess that’s the reason why they have no interest in providing a gd service.
User: Private
Very responsive during essay and application submission. Feedback was always within 24 hours of my query. Good client relationship: asked for my feedback during the process. They gave me a consultant based on my profile and schools that I was looking at.
User: tekkihart6
When choosing a consutant I placed a lot of emphasis on finding someone with expertise but also someone who I could get a long with, trust and work well with. I felt compfortable going to SBC because they have a very good reputation and came recommended by a good friend. But I stil did not know which consultant would be a good fit for my personality. Before I signed on, I spoke with three different SBC consultants and they were all good, seemed knowledgeable. However, one was the clear match for me and I knew right away that she (Caryn) would be a great partner throughout the process. The first meeting was great as we discussed strengths and weaknesses and formed a game plan. She knew so much about the process and was simply great to work with. I felt very good about the essays that I submitted though they were very different from the approach I would have taken if I had not worked with Caryn. She encouraged me to highlight stories that I probably would have skipped. I hit 4/
User: Private
Working with Stacy Blackman Consulting resulted in my dreams coming true. I accomplished what I truly never believed I could do – was admitted to two of the top business schools in the world. Their service was excellent and worth every penny.