Admission Consultant Reviews
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117 positive reviews
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1 negative review

Reviews from company website
Alicia McNease Nimonkar
“My experience working with Alicia was amazing! She was knowledgeable and guided me through all steps of the process. The turn around time for editing my secondaries was very short and allowed me to really push ahead in having my applications out earlier. Alicia’s input for my essays was invaluable. I loved that she forced me to really brainstorm and structure my essays with my own ideas. Collaborating through Google Docs in real time made the process of writing the essays much more efficient and really allowed me to explore my full potential to send to schools. The interview prep was important because it opened my eyes to the types of questions that could be asked and really prepared me to respond to those questions in a way that would demonstrate my best qualities. I would highly recommend using Alicia for the application process!”
Judy Gruen
I just wanted to let you know that I have been accepted at Cornell Johnson (with a significant scholarship).
I am very excited to have gotten into two top MBA programs.
Again, Thanks very much Judy for helping me throughout the whole application process. I would not have done it without your help.
— Also accepted to Duke Fuqua
Cindy Tokumitsu
I am very satisfied with my experience and am grateful that I have Cindy on my team to help me navigate my journey of selecting and applying to top MBA schools.
-Accepted to Duke EMBA
Karin Ash
I can’t express how grateful I am to have found Karin Ash. For anyone looking for an MBA consultant, you should look no further!
I was under a very rushed timeline and consequently under a lot of stress. Actually when I reached out to Karin I had decided to not apply for my MBA at all. During the consultation she was able to not only ease my confusion but she also inspired me to see what path I wanted to pursue and how the MBA would enable it. I was astonished by how 15 minutes down the call she was able to understand more about myself than I did!
Karin not only edited my essays, she inspired me to go beyond my mind constraints and see the purpose behind my application. She guided me all the way from my confusion until the essays were not only perfectly written but also broadcasted my real aspirations in the best possible light. It’s a hard path but her tenacity and certainty in my capabilities motivated me all along the process!
Carol Drummer
Hi Carol,
Great news! I got admitted to Johns Hopkins! It was a fast admission too. I’m super excited! Everyone I talked to told me that they really enjoyed reading my SOP. I’m eternally grateful for your help!
Sheryl Neuman
Sheryl was a 10. She’s provided me with tremendous feedback and confidence going into my interview and I was one of 15 students who received early acceptance to the PA school. Total applicant pool was 2500. I’m fairly certain that her coaching placed a huge roll in getting me there. Will recommend her to anyone who needs a PA interview coach.
Esmeralda Cardenal
I got 90% of the same interview questions that Esmeralda asked me, and her feedback was really detailed such as time limit and what examples I should use to support my answers. She also encouraged me during our Skype call that I felt was really helpful to make me be positive to face the interview.
Rebecca Blustein
Hi Rebecca,
I really liked the edits, they made the essay sound more engaging.I wanted to say a big thank you for all of your help with the drafts of the essays over the past few months, I am glad that I decided to reach out to Accepted for help and got you as a consultant. I just submitted the applications so they are done, finally, after almost four months of working on them. I was eager to get them off, ha! :)Katie
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer,
I’m very excited to tell you that I received the offer from HKUST with scholarship!!! The admission officer made a highly appreciation on my interview performance, saying that I am fully well prepared and he clearly saw my ambition and determination on finance. I really want to say thank you for offering such great help for my interview prep and helped me succeed. Without your advice, I wouldn’t have performed well enough. You’ve done a really nice work!
Also I will say thanks to Accepted , a highly professional and amazing firm, for offering all the helps in every application step. It is a really wonderful experience that I co-worked with Accepted. In the future, I will introduce it to more of my friends and help them to achieve their goals.
Thanks again for your great help.
Herman Gordon
I am incredibly excited. Herman helped so much with the entire process. He is both brilliant and such a pleasure to work with.
Thank you! — Accepted to UCSF
Jennifer Weld
Jen always provides me with a constructive & straightforward feedback. I’m beyond satisfied with her input.
Judy Gruen
Judy knows well about graduate application essays. She was very responsible and made every essay perfect. It was pleasant to work with her.
Adam Nathan
Adam was really helpful on my HBS essay. As an alumni himself, he knows exactly what the essay is looking for and did a great job adjusting my draft to it. He gave very detailed suggestions step by step and always replied on time. He was extremely responsible and pleasant to talk with.
Esmeralda Cardenal
I send this email to thank you for your suggestions and support. I was admitted for the part-time MBA program in Sacramento at UC Davis. It has been a challenge for me to be admitted at the University in the USA. I am very happy and I am working hard to stay in Sacramento the next fall. Thank you very much and I really appreciate your help.
— GR
Karin Ash
Dr Ash has been very helpful and supportive throughout the process from helping me brainstorm ideas to editing the final essay. She has been very patient with all of my questions and has sought answers from multiple sources in order to solve my problems. Because we have 13 hours difference between us, we primarily communicated through email, but it did not cause any delays. Dr Ash is incredibly efficient in email communication.
Alicia Nimonkar
I had a wonderful experience working with and especially Alicia. I thank for guiding me through the application process to Med-school.
–Smita, Accepted to Louisville Medical School
Jennifer Bloom
Thanks for recommending Jennifer to me. She has helped me intensively during the last three days and we had a great co-operation, efficient and effective, under time strain. Done is better than perfect. Without her I won’t have courage and faith in myself to make it done.
But no matter what result will be, it doesn’t affect my appreciation to both of you for all the efforts put to help me.
Carol Drummer
Carol, thank you very much for the review. Also appreciate your time and assistance in reviewing & editing my LOR and providing suggestions to respective individuals. You are truly amazing.
Sandeep V.
Cindy Tokumitsu
Thanks for checking in. Yes the Associate Director who interviewed me called this week with the offer… Yes I’m very excited!! And am now thinking about how to prepare over the next 6 months until I start. I really thank you so much for your support for my application. I’m happy to give you a glowing review. I really appreciated your extremely quick attendance to any question big or small. –Accepted to Stanford MSx
Jennifer Bloom
Great edit, thanks Jennifer. I struggle with the goals essays the most and they seem to be your forte! [Interviewed by all 5 schools applied to. Accepted to Chicago Booth and Cornell Johnson]
Todd King
Todd has been extremely helpful and I definitely needed his guidance through this process. Todd obviously knows A LOT about what schools are looking for, but his greatest strength is his bluntness and honesty. He doesn’t hold back. He would let me know if my essays or application materials were terrible or if I was making progress, and I truly appreciated the very honest feedback. Previous consultants that I worked with focused on “editing” but didn’t have the guts (or the knowledge or experience) to tell me that what I had was not very good when I was going in the wrong direction. I would push back and they would just give up and stop trying to steer me in the right direction. I’m not the easiest to work with as I push back and tend to question other people’s advise or suggestions, and Todd did a very good job at addressing my concerns and explaining his logic behind his recommendations. To me, that is very important because a recommendation without an argument means nothing to me, and Todd always had a a reason why he thought I should change my approach or do something differently. If you are overly sensitive and will take honest and very direct feedback personally, then Todd might not be your guy. But if you are open to suggestions and are willing to do what it takes to get into b-school and make big changes to what you think is right (but truly is not) then Todd is perfect for you. –Accepted to Stanford GSB
Jennifer Weld
I think Jen’s guidance and help was crucial for my acceptance into Kellogg EMBA program. One of the best decisions I made during my application preparation is selecting Jen as my essay editor. She was very knowledgeable with essay preparation. Without her guidance, I would not have received admission at Kellogg program.
Robbie Walker
I was invited to interview by 5 of the 6 schools I applied to and I’ll have my last interview in December. I wanted to thank you again for your help through the application process, I truly believe it was crucial to my ability to get these interviews. You really helped me portray everything I wanted to say and really helped me show “me.”
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Natalie, I just spoke with Columbia!! I’ve been accepted!!!!! Thank you THANK YOU for all your guidance, wisdom, support, encouragement. I could not have done this without you. Thank you!!!!
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, the interviews went great and I am accepted and will start in January in Singapore. Thanks for all your help – I am quite certain that this made the difference! Accepted to INSEAD
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer I still can not believe it. They just called, and then emailed, to offer me a place in Fontainbleau (INSEAD)! Thank you so so much for all your help and guidance in this process. Your advice really helped me navigate through all the ups and downs! I knew that, intrinsically, I had it in me, but I did not know how to prove it to them. I had failed several times trying to prove it to them on my own – it just would not have been possible without your help.
Jennifer Weld
Long story short, I only had 4 days to get my application ready. Jen Weld took up the challenge and agreed to work with me. In those 4 days, Jen and I worked around the clock and made it happen. I have to say, I was impressed by her extremely quick response, essay guidance, resume editing and last but not least, her dedication towards her work. I still remember, she once came up with a suggestion for my essays while doing her dishes! That example alone spoke in volumes about her commitment to my success. Thanks Jen! — Accepted to Tepper Flex
Jennifer Weld
Also, I would like to submit a formal review/feedback to Linda as well. I was planning to do it regardless of whether I get through or not. I think I have told you this in one of our phone conversations – I am truly impressed with the services you provided, and it surely exceeded my expectations! Accepted to NYU Stern EMBA
Todd King
I am very pleased to let you know that, following my acceptance to XXXX’s full-time MBA, I have been awarded two scholarships Thank you very much again for your advice and feedback on my application and scholarship essays. Your assistance has been a vital factor for me to present my profile to the AdCom at the best possible light, to secure the place, and to obtain funding having competed with a pool of strong applicants. (Needless to say, my “investment” at has really proved worth-the-while. It all started from a 1-hour consultation. I have subsequently purchased 30 hours of your time and have now achieved an excellent return exceeding my expectations!)
Jennifer Weld
Thanks for all your help along the way. Your insight was crucial in preparing a competitive application packet for me! Accepted to Haas EWMBA
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, I am admitted by Kellogg 2yrs program! Thanks a lot for your help during the past years, I am lucky to have you as my editor. :)
Cindy Tokumitsu
Just got the news today and I’ve been accepted to Wharton EMBA class of 2016! Thank you very much for your help! Your feedback was invaluable in the application process. Thanks again.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Dear Natalie, Thanks to your amazing help, I was invited to interview at all 4 schools I applied to!!! I was very happy with this. A few weeks after my interviews, I got a phone call telling me that I had been accepted to INSEAD!!! Even before I got the email from INSEAD, I felt a winner. With all the positive answers I’ve had received from each school to which I applied, I felt like I was better than I ever thought I could be. Thanks to you and this process, I’ve learnt so much about myself and I’ve got a huge amount of confidence. I still can’t believe I’ll be going to INSEAD, this is a bit surreal. As INSEAD was my top choice, I withdrew my candidacy from the other top MBA programs in the US and Europe. I’m now eager to take on the world so I can one day give back to all those people who’ve believed in me like you. In any case you have truly and hugely contributed to this step which has and will continue to change my life. For this I want to thank you with all my heart.
Todd King
> BTW, I just got off the waiting list of Tuck and got an offer. Thank you very much for helping me figure the whole thing out and doing such a great job editing my essay! I am really impressed by your fast reply and your insights. If I recall correctly, the Tuck essays took me less than a week. Couldn’t have done it without your help.
Jennifer Weld
I was accepted to the program!!!!! I’m beyond excited.:) This is something I have wanted to pursue for a long time. Thank you for all your help and guidance on the essays. I don’t think I could have communicated what I wanted to without your help. –Accepted to Cornell Johnson
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, I received notification today, that I am admitted by HKUST! Thank you very much for all your support and assistance, it was very efficient and helpful!
Jennifer Bloom
I was two weeks away from the Round 2 application deadlines and had worked with 3 different consultants from XXX before I started working with Jennifer. My entire experience with the other consultants had left me jaded and skeptical-I felt like a line item on profit statement rather than a human being. I had worked with XXX on 2 schools and my essays were in horrible shape. One of my friends who had made it to [Stanford GSB] in round 1 insisted that I had to speak to Jennifer- he felt very strongly that Jennifer was the reason why he got into 4 of the 5 schools to which he had applied.
I had a free consultation call with Jennifer and then decided to go with the 10 hour package. During the call Jennifer didn’t try to sell me a school package or even the hourly package, she just asked me questions and gave me feedback on the essay drafts that I had sent. She was actually interested in me as a person as opposed to the dollar amount of the package I would buy. I had hoped to rework my applications to 2 schools in the 10 hours that I had purchased but the speed and efficiency that Jennifer worked at, allowed me to get 7 schools done in 17 hours (I bought two ten hour packages). Jennifer took no holidays whatsoever-not even on Christmas or New Years eve and let me tell you that is rare-my other consultants all took days off during the holiday. Jennifer has more than 15 years of work experience and her industry knowledge shines through in each interaction you have with her- each question she asks/ any edit that she suggests has a ton of validity and weight.
Last but not the least I want to share two specific episodes which speak volumes about Jennifer as a person- An hour before my application was due to one of my top schools, a water pipe burst flooding my entire apartment causing the roof to collapse. My computer which had all my answers to the web application questions got spoilt. I called Jennifer and was pretty hysterical about the apartment and the application. That day she played a consultant, a mother, a friend and a shrink all rolled into one. In 15 minutes she calmed me down and got me focused-I went ahead and submitted my complete application in a timely manner and I owe it all to her. The second incident was the encouragement she provided me to submit my application to Yale. Yale was the last of the 7 schools I applied to. By the time, I had to submit the Yale application I was exhausted-I was running on coffee fumes and zero sleep as we had worked on 6 applications in 2 weeks (I can’t even begin to comprehend how tired and sleep deprived Jennifer must have been by this time cause she was working with other applicants as well). My video essay was just ok and I told Jennifer there was no point in me applying to Yale because I hadn’t cracked the video essay. She encouraged me and motivated me much like my mom often does, to not give up when I was so close. I went ahead and gave one last herculean push and submitted my Yale application as well.
There might be other consultants who might have 15+ years of experience like Jennifer, but none of them can have her sense of compassion, humor and warmth-She is on your side every step of the way, cheering you on and motivating you to get to the finish line.
— Accepted to Kellogg and MIT
Judy Gruen
I just finished submitting [Stanford] GSB today, which is my last application. I just want to say a big thank you to all your help along the way. You really helped me elevate my essays and be an honest judge along the way on what doesn’t work. I really appreciate it. I’m sure you will have no shortage of clients and will be able to help many people reach their goals
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
As I look back on this application process thus far, I cannot believe how much I’ve come along since our first conversation, both in the quality of my application as well as the level of introspection. I want to thank you for your outstanding work along the process, and I look forward to working together (hopefully) in the interviews process.
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, When I wrote yesterday it was regarding issues with essays [due tomorrow] but you went ahead and edited all of them the minute I sent them and solved all issues…. I finished checking all the essays and they are great so I think we will not need to talk tonight unless something totally unexpected comes up. Thanks again for doing so rapidly yesterday!
Judy Gruen
Thank you! Could not have done it without you. You were really great! –Accepted to Wharton Lauder
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Thank you! Could not have done it without you. You were really great! –Accepted to Wharton Lauder
Cindy Tokumitsu
Got the call from INSEAD today, will be joining the France campus. I cannot describe in words how grateful am I for your support, help and guidance through the application procedure. This would not have been possible without you and thanks a lot for bearing with me!
Todd King
Wow – this is great!! I am so happy with the final form of my MIT essays! :) Thanks to you, I *might* just have a real shot at getting in now!
Linda Abraham
I have decided to accept the Stanford [MsX] offer and will be joining the class of 2015. It has been a pleasure working with Jen and it wouldn’t have been possible without her help. I will indeed let my friends know about Accepted.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Hi Natalie, I wanted to take a moment and thank you for helping me out this year. With an extremely low GMAT, below average GPA and degree from a low ranked university, I am extremely blessed to be attending a top business school. This shows that with hard work and an amazing support cast like you, ANYTHING is possible in this world. My admission would not have happened without your guidance. I hired you as a consultant in January not knowing that you will also turn out to be a doctor and an angel. I will always be grateful for everything you have done for me this year. I know I asked you million questions over the past 10 months, some intelligent, but mostly silly and you were always gracious in providing a valuable answer. Please let me know if can be of any help. If you have any future clients who wants to connect with a Duke MBA, please send them my way. Please keep in touch!
Cindy Tokumitsu
Hi Cindy, I cannot wait to share with you the good news that I got admitted by NYU Stern Langnoe MBA program! Thank you A LOT for all your help, guidelines, effort and contributes to my application! You were always patient to answer all my questions, even 5 minutes before my interview. And you always provided me the answers or feedback quickly and sufficiently. You even contributed a lot of your night time and weekend time to match my schedule. I really appreciated all your work and please also pass my thanks to Linda and whoever worked on my case. I would like also to present my sincere thanks and best wishes to your family since you spent a lot of your personal time with me, especially nights and weekend when you are supposed to enjoy the peaceful moments with your lovely family! Thanks again for all your help! — Accepted to NYU Langone
Jennifer Weld
I would not have put together strong essays without your help, guidance and patience. Your commitment, approach and enthusiasm were top notch. You took an immense effort to extract all relevant and important information and the essays reflect all those and I am truly excited and grateful. I am 100% sure I would not have received the same kind of exceptional service from any other provider. You are the best.
Jennifer Weld
After putting a great deal of thought into how I wished to steer my career, I submitted my application to a top school. I was very confident, and therefore shocked when I was denied. Soon after I sought a consultant and was introduced to Jen. In the first conversation you will realize you are in safe hands with someone who will work diligently to get you into your school of choice. Talent, scores and experience alone will not get you into your dream school. There is something else that many candidates miss, something that Jen can help pull out of you, allowing you to put your best foot forward. However grim your application situation might be, if Jen is involved, be sure you are in the hands of a professional who will patiently bring out the best in you. -Accepted to two Top 10 EMBA programs
Tanis Kmetyk
I really do appreciate all your amazing support and it definitely wouldn’t have been possible without your guidance… I would be more than happy to give my highest recommendation for u as an amazing coach and a friend. Thanks once again for all the invaluable guidance all along the process :) –Admitted to INSEAD.
Cindy Tokumitsu
Rahul: Thanks to for guiding me on my Statement of Purpose. This really helped me thinking in the right direction. I will definitely recommend it to my friends. Accepted to IE EMBA
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Hi Linda, I wanted to update you on my business school plans. I was just accepted to Northwestern off the wait list and I will be going to Kellogg in the fall. I am so excited about Kellogg and I am so thrilled to have this opportunity. I wanted you to know that there is no way I could have accomplished this without Natalie’s help. She has been a source of constant guidance and encouragement for me throughout this process. Natalie has believed in me and my potential from the beginning and she has been incredibly patient with me. When I started this process, I was essentially clueless and with Natalie’s help I have gained so much knowledge, not only about business but also about myself. I am so proud of how much I have grown in the past year and I know Natalie has played a huge role in my development. I think is incredibly fortunate to have Natalie on its staff. There is no doubt how much insight Natalie has into the admissions process, but what has impressed me the most is what a wonderful person she is. I look forward to keeping in contact with Natalie throughout my time at Kellogg and again, it has been a pleasure working with her. Best regards,
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer. I wanted to let you know that I received offers from IMD and INSEAD! and I chose INSEAD in the end. I wanted to thank you for all of your helpful comments on my essays. They really helped me address the questions and focus on what’s really being asked.
Jennifer Bloom
Thanks, Jennifer. I couldn’t have done it without Accepted! [Accepted to UCLA]
Todd King
I am writing this email to express my appreciation to the consulting work you have provided me for my MBA application. Without your help, I would not have been accepted by Tuck, or even by Fisher or Smeal. One thing you may not know is that shortly before I hired you, I hired another consultant from another company. Therefore, I have the opportunity to compare the work of two consultants from two different companies. Three weeks into my application, I noticed the great difference of you two. Even though he had the great opportunity to keep me working with him, since he was the first consultant I hired and his company is a very active company on … Your working style gave me a relaxed mood to think creatively and allowed me to freely ask whatever questions that came to me. You showed great patience in explaining your ideas and answered my questions. This helped a lot since I can’t express myself efficiently in English…. Therefore, I was more creative when I worked with you. My ability to summarize is weak even in Chinese, not to mention in English. It’s you who helped me to condense the information to meet the school’s word limit. You showed me great ways to summarize information, and told me how to sift out irrelevant information. During the course we worked together, you not only helped me with successful application, but also taught me a lot of useful ways to summarize information for my future study and work. This will benefit me in my future life… your response was always very quick. As I can remember, I could almost always expect to get your feedback and reply to my emails within one day without exception for weekend, even though your company’s official response time was two business days. Your efficient working style saved my time, energy, and money… During my whole application, I felt you were always there 24 x 7 to help me. I felt you were standing by me to support me with your best effort, and we had a common goal – to successfully get admission to each school I applied. However, the other consultant I hired made me feel like he was a sales person waiting for opportunities to earn money from me. We had different goals: my goal was to successfully get admission to the school I applied, while his goal was to earn money from me. You made me feel assured. Whenever I needed help, I know you were there to back me up. All in all, during my application, you were like a big brother and I was like a baby who was staggering to learn how to walk. You held my hand, led my way, and taught me how to walk each step. At the end, I could walk very well.
Judy Gruen
I have received an admit from the EWMBA program at Berkeley Haas. It feels great to accomplish this goal; I couldn’t have achieved it without your help, guidance and personal attention to my campaign. Thank you for everything, and tell your current prospects they are in good hands!
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I wanted to thank you for the great help that gave me. Judy and Natalie did a great job. They pushed me beyond my comfort zone and many times I felt frustrated because expressing myself in English – my second language – at that level is not easy. But I was very happy with the final version of my essays and when my interview came, I was ready and confident. Thanks again, and keep up with the great service.
Jennifer Weld
Working with Jen gives one an appreciation for how your application is likely to be perceived and appreciated by the admissions officers. One tends to be a little isolated and focused narrowly on themselves when putting their thoughts onto paper. Jen has the ability to bring in her experience in the admissions environment and provide the context in which your essay will be absorbed and offers difference-making insight that you might otherwise not receive on your own. – Accepted to Chicago Booth EMBA
Jennifer Weld
I have no suggestions for improvement, other than I wish I knew you existed sooner!
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I have received an admit from the EWMBA program at Berkeley Haas. It feels great to accomplish this goal; I couldn’t have achieved it without your help, guidance and personal attention to my campaign. Thank you for everything, and tell your current prospects they are in good hands!
Jennifer Bloom
I called her and said, “Jennifer, I just got an admit from HBS – big thanks to you!”; she paused and replied: “wow, congratulations! you deserve it.” I couldn’t thank Jennifer more on the one of the most important days of my life! Jennifer was not only an admission consultant to me, but more of an adviser, a mentor, and a friend! She is a highly responsive consultant with fast turnaround times. She is one who would always give you her frank advice whether you like it or not – and somehow her advice tends to be right! Her thought clarity and understanding of your position & candidacy will automatically command your respect. At the beginning of our engagement, I was always apprehensive of the effectiveness of a remote interaction, but all through the period we worked on my application – the coordination was unexpectedly smooth and comfortable. Jennifer was quite accommodating of my busy work schedule and was often flexible to adjust timing of our calls. Whenever, my application effort dipped due to busy work schedule – Jennifer was also quick to give a nudge and made sure we kept up with the timelines. Last but not the least, I found her quite open to feedback and receptive to suggestions. This helped a great deal in ensuring we had a candid discussion on the application package. Anybody who is looking at admission consulting, I highly recommend you to work with Jennifer! (From an Indian IT guy)
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, I got admitted to LBS!!! Thank you very much for your support – you helped me to massively improve my essays. – Also accepted to St. Gallen
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, I am very excited to share the great news with you that I’m accepted at Stanford GSB!! Thank you so much for your tremendous help in my application process! Your comments are so constructive and effective, which I really appreciated!
Cindy Tokumitsu
I take this opportunity to thank for placing [my wife and me] under the guidance of Cindy. She has been phenomenal throughout the process. We sincerely appreciate Cindy’s diligence, flexibility and commitment to our application. Additionally, I want to commend Cindy for her patience as she guided us in a very professional manner. We will surely recommend your group to any prospective MBA/EMBA student.
Todd King
Words cannot describe how talented Todd is at this. I was honestly blown away. He was able to get me to write about how I truly felt with the questions he asked and the way he probed. As much as I tried to pull this out – answers to why this experience was most meaningful for me, what I learned – while working with my other consultants, I just couldn’t. As a result, the draft I had was far from where I wanted it to be. But he was able to do this and I found that to be very special. Essay editing and guidance is one thing, but to have the ability to pull out your subconscious – the thoughts jammed way in the back of your head, those “true” learnings, is an exceptional skill.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
“I’m very excited to attend Wharton on a fellowship and couldn’t have done it without Natalie and Accepted’s guidance!”
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I GOT INTO WHARTON!!!!!! Thank you Natalie!! I could not have done it without your precious help! I received a nice fellowship too :) :) Also accepted to Columbia , Booth, and LBS.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I’m really excited to be going to Stanford. You probably hear this a lot, but Natalie was really helpful! In all the interviews I had, there wasn’t a single question that I wasn’t ready for. I owe a large part of my success to her. – Accepted to Stanford, Kellogg, Haas, Anderson, Fuqua and Ross
Todd King
Todd was instrumental in my success. He was super quick with his feedback and responses and would call it like he saw it. I was initially apprehensive of the investment but it was worth every penny and then some. -Accepted to CMU Tepper
Jennifer Weld
We haven’t spoken in a while, but I am bringing you great news. I got in at UNC and Tepper! I would like to thank you for all the effort you put in to help me with my applications, I do not know if I could make it to this point without your help, you were exceptional. Thank you so much for everything, I wish I could explain how happy I am right now.
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jennifer, I wanted to pass on the exciting news I received earlier this morning. What seemed impossible months ago with my GMAT struggles became reality today. I received an email from the CEIBS admission office notifying me of my acceptance into its MBA program for the next class intake. It also comes with an unexpected surprise…I was offered a merit scholarship! I really thought that if I was accepted, I would just scrape by with my sub par GMAT score. This would definitely not have been made possible without your help throughout the application process. All the way from encouraging me to take the GMAT the 4th and final time to the last steps of the process in helping me prepare for the interview. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts and devotion in guiding me to put together the best application I could. It’s really a dream come true to finally be given the chance to launch my career in China. I still can’t believe it!
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Chief, Thank you so much for all of your help! I could never have done this without your guidance. And, thank you for believing in me, it really has meant a lot to me. –Accepted to Michigan Ross
Cindy Tokumitsu
Everything was perfect and I received a note for an interview within a week. Cindy was great!
Jennifer Weld
Thanks Jennifer, I am so grateful to all your help and suggestions. I have a list of people to thank for their support and help and you definitely top that chart.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Hi Natalie, I received a positive decision from USC as well with a half tuition waiver for both the years. I don’t think I could have received this offer without your help. With this positive decision, it is now two out of two with $$$. Could not ask for more! –Also accepted to UCLA Anderson
Jennifer Bloom
Hi Jeniffer. I would like to thank you for all the help and guidance. Without your help, I probably wouldn’t have made it. We managed to cover 3 apps in approx. 25-26 days [:)]
Jennifer Weld
I really just wanted to stress how happy I am and how much I appreciate all your advice and assistance in getting me to this place. It really, really meant a lot to have your support and I want you to know that I will be forever grateful. –Accepted to Notre Dame Mendoza
Jennifer Bloom
Thank you so much for helping me with my Wharton application. Without your support, I wouldn’t have even started working on my application! Your insights and comments really pushed me.
Jennifer Weld
Thank you so very much for all your help – you are truly awesome. Your editing and guidance were exceptional. I am very pleased with my essays, they truly showcased my strengths!
Judy Gruen
I am glad to give feedback on their service. Let me start off by saying that I am an extremely pleased and satisfied customer. This is my second time working with, and I did not even consider approaching any other MBA admissions consulting service the second time. Though I haven’t got into the targeted schools yet, I am confident my application will be received very well by the Admissions Committee.
Todd King
Hi Todd, I would like to share with you the great news – I’ve been admitted to Duke Fuqua! Thank you for your help … your brilliant ideas and suggestions really inspired me to present a multidimensional aspect of myself. Thank you Todd, you are a great consultant! I would be happy to refer you to my friends in case they need help!
Jennifer Weld
I think these are great and so is your work. It was a great investment to make. Thank you.
Judy Gruen
I wanted to thank you for the great help that gave me. Judy and Natalie did a great job. They pushed me beyond my comfort zone and many times I felt frustrated because expressing myself in English – my second language – at that level is not easy. But I was very happy with the final version of my essays and when my interview came, I was ready and confident. Thanks again, and keep up with the great service.
Tanis Kmetyk
Thank you very much for your reactivity and professionalism. Thank you for challenging me.
Tanis Kmetyk
Anyway, I was accepted by Trium! …I am very happy and I would like to thank you a lot for this! You were great! Thank you again for helping me and making this dream possible! I am going to start it in September.
Todd King
Hi Todd, Earlier this evening, I submitted my HBS application & all my recommenders are in. So I’m officially a R1 applicant. I’m writing to thank you for all of your help and guidance through the process. As a re-applicant, I was very nervous about starting the process again largely for fear of simply not having new material to write about. You gave me the confidence to proceed and, with your help, I feel great about my submission and candidacy (and I should – I was waitlisted last year!). So hopefully I’ll be calling you soon to share the good news that I’ve been invited to interview. At which time I look forward to working with you on interview prep too. Until then, thanks again for all of your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I will be applying in the next hour!! Thank you Natalie. I would be very lost without you.
Cindy Tokumitsu
Dear Cindy! I have good news — I got into IMD! I was quite surprised since they gave me an earlier notice!!!! YAY! THANK YOU! One of the IMD professor actually told me that he really liked all my essays and was impressed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! :-)
Todd King
I would certainly recommend your services with the highest confidence. I would also like to recognize R. Todd King’s assistance with my application. He is certainly a Subject Matter Expert. His professionalism and enthusiasm for his work were clearly evident. Please pass my compliments on to your company leadership. — Accepted to MIT Sloan EMBA
Jennifer Bloom
Thank You for your support and assistance! – Admitted to Johnson Class of 2014 :)
Judy Gruen
I just received my admission to Santa Clara University MBA this morning!! Thank you so much for helping put my essays together to showcase my best abilities. Thank you for being so patient with me throughout the entire writing process. I couldn’t have this application done if you weren’t on the other side of the phone line/ Internet my every little step! I’ll definitely spread the word on your services and
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
When I first started to applying for my MBA, I struggled deciding if I wanted to invest the money into a consultant. The process was already very expensive. However, I concluded that getting into a top program would have such a dramatic effect on my career, I would take the chance and invest the extra money. I can confidently state that working with Natalie Epstein was the best decision I made during the entire application process. I spoke with several different consulting companies before choosing The conversations I had with the other companies seemed very impersonal and sales driven. However, Natalie took the time to really understand my background, why I wanted to pursue my MBA and my motivations for applying to different schools. Even after I purchased’s consulting package, Natalie continued with her very personal style and responded to my calls and emails quickly and thoughtfully. Natalie not only helped me to craft concise, meaningful stories from my background, but also was instrumental in helping me to prioritize schools based on my individual needs. Natalie truly embodied every positive connotation of the word consultant. Her advice and her ability to help me articulate my story, cater to my strengths and drill meticulously for my interviews were crucial. When I received my acceptance call from my top choice of programs, Natalie was one of the first people I called to share the news with. I wholeheartedly recommend Natalie and to anyone applying for their graduate degree. She is both a wonderful consultant and a wonderful person. –Accepted to Chicago Booth.
Jennifer Bloom
I am accepted at INSEAD which is on the top of my list, and am looking forward to the MBA journey this coming September. I appreciate the help from you, Ms. Jennifer Bloom and I worked with Jennifer who is a fine editor and provide very useful and insightful reviews on my application essays.
Jennifer Weld
I was looking for admission guidance from someone who would not only understand my strengths and weaknesses but also understand what a business school is looking for. I have no doubt in my mind that Jen’s inputs absolutely helped me crystallize my thoughts and helped me showcase my true potential to the admissions committee. Thanks Jen! It was a real pleasure working with you. –Accepted to Cornell Johnson EMBA
Jennifer Weld
I would like to thank you for your excellent service…..for helping me to get to this new chapter of my life! –Accepted to Emory, York, and the University of Toronto
Robbie Walker
I have accepted the admission to Chicago Booth as it has been my first choice since beginning. Robbie Walker has been of a great help all through, with my essays and as well as the mock interview. Thanks to for all the help.
Tanis Kmetyk
Dear Tanis, With joy I wish to inform you that I have been accepted … to study MBA in Finance and Accounting. The credit of this success goes to you for your unflinching support during the essay writing. Words cannot convey exactly my deep heartfelt gratitude for your assistance but all can simply say is God bless you rich. Please convey my gratitude to Linda, the director of is really helping a lot of prospective MBA seekers.
Cindy Tokumitsu
I worked with other editors before, and I really think Cindy’s experience and thorough thinking helped me to dig my materials to a further level. As for turnaround – I would give her 15 out of 10! With her experience and deeply digging into all the materials, she was able to help me not just writing the essay, but it’s like a journey exploring myself with her guidance. She was able to pin point out the most crucial factors and helped me to present them. It’s fantastic working with Cindy – it’s like working with a friend that cares and is willing to help you. I would greatly recommend and also Cindy. 10 for Cindy.
Judy Gruen
I was very pleased to know of my acceptance into the MBA program at Florida International University. The guidance of Judy Gruen in helping me with my SOP was phenomenal. A big Thanks to everyone at for helping me put my MBA application over the top!
Todd King[Todd’s] inputs were very critical in turning my essays into effective messages… I really liked the “cut the crap in your essays” directness, especially with a ticking clock. The interactions were laser-focused on refining the content and getting done with the process. (Accepted to UC Berkeley Haas)
Jennifer Bloom
I want to say a big thank you for your edits. It was very high quality work and I appreciate your quick replies. I and my friends worked with some of your competitors and I have to say that in terms of essay editing you are much better.
Jennifer Bloom
Thank you Jennifer. I will be joining Top B-School X. It’s among the top schools in US and there’s a strong personal reason as well. Me and [anonymous] (you reviewed his essays too) are getting married this June and will be joining together. :)
Tanis Kmetyk
Hi Tanis: Great news! I got into LBS! Still feels like a dream.Thank you so much for all your support.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I’m writing to share with you the good news: I’m accepted to HBS. I’d like to say millions of “thank yous” to you. I talked to my interviewer this morning, and she said I made a very good interview. Without your help, I wouldn’t be able to make such a good one. What’s more important is that I enjoyed working with you every time. You made me feel like a friend to you. Thank you Natalie!
Cindy Tokumitsu
Additional update on my side. I received admission to Kellogg one year program yesterday. :) Many, many thanks for your support. Without your support, I could not have presented my personal and professional achievements in such a good light.
Todd King
I will interview at MIT MBA program. Actually I am working with Todd King. He has contributed a lot along the application process, and I am very happy working with him.
Todd King
I am delighted to inform you that I got admitted to Haas! This is the Eve & Weekend program, and I will be starting the course in Fall. Thank you very much for the massive help in conveying a strong message through my essays. I will be applying those lessons in all my formal writings in the future.
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I’m beyond thrilled with the news I got today! I can’t believe that I not only got into Tuck, but also received a scholarship! This is literally the best news I could have hoped for. – Also accepted to Darden, Ross, Anderson, and Yale.
Jennifer Weld
I have been accepted and will start my course in April. Thanks for your input and advice on my essays and CV which were a massive help.
Cindy Tokumitsu
I really am indebted to Cindy for all her help, support and guidance through my application process. I will definitely recommend to my friends and will keep you posted on my final decisions. — Accepted to Duke
Tanis Kmetyk
Dear Tanis, I’ve paid my deposit to Kellogg so as of this morning, it is official! I can’t thank you enough for all the advice, guidance, and feedback you’ve provided throughout the process. True to your promise, you helped me clarify my thoughts, sort out my ideas, and ultimately coaxed out my own voice instead of trying to impose anything on me. Thank you for everything.
Cindy Tokumitsu
Hi Cindy, I am pleased to let you know that I was admitted to Columbia’s EMBA program. I’d like to thank you for all your help on the essays as well as your valuable advice on the interview. I truly appreciate it!!
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
…now I’m happily letting your know that I got good news from both Columbia and Wharton, the only two schools I applied in round 1. … the admission director of Wharton called me Tuesday night and told me that I was admitted to Wharton! I also got Columbia ED admission a month ago. I am so excited!!! I want to thank you for your great help to my essays, and the interview prep with you has been really helpful! Thank you so much!!!
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Thanks a lot for your coaching, editing and help on my MBA application. I appreciate [very] much your effort, your kindness, your over-night work, your professionalism. I have been admitted by Columbia J-term program, and will head for NYC by the end of this year to start my new journey. Hope we can catch up one day in NYC.
Jennifer Bloom
Jennifer, this is really really good, thank you so much for your involvement!! It is great!! Again with this essay, it’s great!!! Thanks a lot. … Jennifer, very good news, I have been accepted!! Thank you very much for your help. – Accepted to MIT Sloan
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
I got into Darden today. Woo hoo! – Accepted previous week to Yale SOM
Natalie Grinblatt Epstein
Thank you very much for recommending Natalie to me. She has always been very helpful. Although she is my only consultant, which makes it difficult to compare with others, I do believe she is the best! Her professionalism, expertise and efficiency [are] really impressive. She builds up my success, and you know how important this is for a student at the life changing crossroad. –Accepted to INSEAD
Reviews from
User: Private
Paul Bodine is amazing!
User: cst778
I ran the major ideas of my essays by her and learned more about how the HBS admissions process works.
User: Private
Inge Miller is awesome!!
User: ngc1663
Used Accepted for one essay (complete package for one essay including brainstorming) and essayedge for editing other three.
User: bigjoet
paul bodine is absolutely amazing! gives candid feedback and brought the best out of my application.
User: Private
I used accepted for a final review of my essays and they did a great job and in the end I completely changed one essay because it didn’t work very well.
User: Private
Did not have a positive experience.